1 A fresh look at bathing Individualizing care April 2016
2 What makes bath time stressful? Lack of privacy Loss of dignity Physical discomfort Fear
3 Preserve dignity and respect Allow residents to do as much as they can for themselves. Ask residents or family members about bathing preferences. Respect residents’ privacy by knocking before entering and keeping them covered when possible.
4 Pay attention to physical comfort Ask if the water is too warm or cold. Make sure there are no drafts in the room. Pad seats to prevent pain. Wash hair last. If a resident is experiencing pain, offer pain medication before bathing.
5 Consider towel baths Towel baths are an alternative to tub baths or showers. Towel baths use towels, wet washcloths, and no-rinse soap. Residents can be bathed in bed. Towel baths are better for the resident’s skin. Towel baths can be completed more quickly.
6 Bathing residents with dementia Take extra time to learn about the resident’s likes and dislikes. Experiment with different times of day or techniques. Do your best to create a calm, relaxing environment. Move slowly and explain what you are about to do.