© 2015 BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. INTERNAL USE ONLY Николай Кузьмин, Директор по продажам Ethernet Эффективная сетевая инфраструктура ЦОД для больших данных – Ethernet- фабрика Brocade
Содержание История Brocade, FC+Ethernet Требования к сетям для больших данных Ключевые особенности Brocade Ethernet Fabric Истории успеха 2
История Brocade 3 Лидер и инноватор в области центров обработки данных ‒ Компания образована в 1995 году ‒ Абсолютный лидер в построении ЦОД с >70% долей рынка (Gartner/IDC) ‒ Представляет решения в области ЦОД, сетей операторов связи и предприятий/корпораций ‒ Представительства более, чем в 160 странах ‒ Значительные инвестиции в R&D (20%+)
4 Brocade + Foundry Foundry Networks в составе Brocade с 2008 года Foundry – производитель сетевого IP оборудования ориентированного на среду передачи Ethernet: ‒ 1-й Gigabit Ethernet коммутатор ‒ 1-й 10 Gigabit Ethernet коммутатор ‒ 1-й Multi-Terabit MPLS и Internet маршрутизатор уровня ядра ‒ 1-й коммутатор/маршрутизатор с производительностью 2 млрд пак/с ‒ Полностью распределенная не имеющая переподписки архитектура устройств
IP и FC решения © 2015 BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. INTERNAL USE ONLY 5 Brocade Network Advisor Simplified Management (SAN, LAN, VCS Fabrics, Wireless) Plug-ins and Integration IP FC
Минимизация времени простоя с простыми шагами по автоматическому восстановлению Сеть должна быть максимально автоматизирована, с функционалом самоформирования фабрики, plug-and-play конфигурайцией и управлением всей фабрикой как единым шасси Для передачи больших объемов информации необходимо большое кол-во 10 GbE портов и быстро масштабируемая scale- out архитектура для добавления емкости Требования к сетям для больших данных © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 6 Передача больших данных и высокий показатель I/O требуют высокую пропускную способность, а также низкие задержки и оптимизацию передачи трафика «восток-запад» Высокая производительность и низкие задержки Scale-out масштабируемая архитектура Простота управления Непрерывное функционирование
Ethernet Фабрика vs. Традиционный подход © 2015 BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. Ядро Агрегация Доступ Негибкая архитектура, оптимизированная для north-south трафика Низкая утилизация линков Индивидуальная настройка коммутаторов, высокий уровень сложности Не приспособлена для работы с VM Ограниченные возможности виртуализации Традиционная сетевая архитектура 7 Возможность выбора топологии, оптимизация для east-west трафика Все линки активны, Layer 1/2/3 multipathing 1 логический коммутатор Горизонтальное масштабирование VM-aware Широкие возможности виртуализации и использования оверлейных сетей Leaf / Spine Ядро Scale-out Ethernet Фабрика
Eliminate Protocol Exotica You don’t have to be an IP expert © 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL—For Internal Use Only 8 BGPMP-BGPISIS-TERSVP-TEIPsec EIGRPMSDPIGMPTACACS+AAA OSPFIS-ISPIM-SMRSTPMSTPLLDP RIPDVMRPX.509DRRWREDRED MPLSPWE3VPLSGREMLDSNTPDSCP LDPRSVPL2TPSHAIKEDWFQLISP IRDPMS-CHAPIPv6WRRWFQNTP VRRPCIDRRADIUSHMACSTPsFlow Layer 2+3 IP Connectivity Traditional Shared Network Layer 2 Ethernet Fabric Connectivity Dedicated IP Storage Network Vs. Step 1: Configure switches Step 2: Connect switches and automatically form fabric Step 3: Connect hosts and storage
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9 How many Engineers does it take to add capacity?
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 10 Adding Capacity with Ethernet Fabrics Automatic Fabric Creation and Expansion Automatic Trunk Creation 30GbE DCB Trunk (3x10GbE) 10GbE DCB Link 20GbE DCB Trunk (2x10GbE)
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 11 Ethernet Fabrics Equal Cost Multi-Pathing 30Gb Trunk = 3 x 10Gb Links 100% 75% 25% 33% 50% 100%
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information. 10 Node Fabric Setup VCS v/s Brand C Brocade VCS, 10 x VDX 6740: Step 1: Turn switches on Step 2: Configure RBridge IDs Step 3: Connect cables Step 4: Next Project Cisco FabricPath, 10 x Nexus 7000: Step 1: Create (2) portchannels between a Nexus pair Step 2: Activate vPC between them Step 3: Activate FabricPath on the vPC pair Step 4: Activate vPC+ in the pair (~7 commands per switch) […] Step 19: Configure MAC learning mode for FP VLANs Step 20: Activate FabricPath in the defined portchannel Step 21: Repeat previous 20 steps para the 4 other vPC+ pairs […] Step 101: Configure (2) portchannels between each edge vPC pairs and the core vPC pair […] Step 106: Activate FabricPath on the (8) defined portchannels […] Step 114: On each Nexus 7K in the core vPC, define (8) portchannels […]
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 13 Sharing Port Profiles Automatic Sharing to Simplify Management Port Profile WebServer: Enable QoS Enable VLAN Enable Security Enable FCOE
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 14 Sharing Port Profiles Automatic Sharing to Simplify Management MAC ID
© 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 15 VM-Aware Network Automation Populate Profile Details Automatically VLAN ID
Unified Management Service Logical Chassis Manager Syslog Monitor Service RestfulAPI NetConf SNMP sFLOW © 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 16 True Distributed Control Plane More than the Sum of their Parts Global CLI
Centralized Monitoring and Troubleshooting FEATURE © 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information Brocade VCS Logical Chassis - Architecture SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT Single Point of Management Single Dashboard For _Entire Fabric BENEFIT Manage Fabric as one _single switch Lower Operational Cost 17 conf Third Party Orchestration Tools Virtual IP Management conf Centralized Software Upgrade/Downgrade and Pre-provisioning Simplified Maintenance _and Upgrade of Switches
История успеха Yahoo Japan Expands Big Data Solution with VDX 18 Brocade`s remarkable performance in deploying VCS Fabric for 3600 Hadoop servers last quarter has compelled Yahoo Japan to bring even more VDX technology into their Big Data initiatives. In an effort to significantly improve customer experience, Yahoo Japan is undertaking an experimental project that verifies new advertisement services using Hadoop. This independent infrastructure, which requires future connectivity for 2000 Hadoop servers, is built entirely on VCS Fabric Technology using 2 VDX 8770 spine switches and 30 VDX 6740 switches connected to 2 MLXe routers. While early competitors, including Arista, were considered, the scale and tremendous flexibility offered by VCS Fabric Technology with the VDX 8770 in the spine proved to be an ideal solution. Previously at Yahoo Japan, Brocade VDX switches replaced a legacy Spanning Tree Protocol-based network. VCS Fabric Technology now connects hundreds of servers supporting thousands of nodes dedicated to supporting Hadoop analysts across the entire enterprise. In the earlier deployment, Yahoo Japan meticulously compared and evaluated several Ethernet fabric solutions for performance, functionality, cost and operational management. This detailed comparison has now allowed Yahoo Japan to repeatedly choose Brocade VCS Fabric technology and Brocade VDX switches above all other competitors based on performance, low latency, deep buffers, automated deployment features and operational simplicity. The Brocade-based solution has cut operational expenses in half and now saves a tremendous amount of time for Yahoo Japan by eliminating the need for manual configuration.
SDDC Customer Wins PARTNERING WITH BROCADE BENEFITS YOU AND YOUR CUSTOMERS © 2015 BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. INTERNAL USE ONLY 19 Provided unified SAN and IP management and superior integration Brocade VCS Fabric technology, NSX, and vRealize won out over Cisco ACI automation capabilities Purpose-built fabrics for FC and IP storage, more than 60,00 VMs running at any given time, vCenter, vRealize, AMPP, ARB VCS fabric (performance / scalability / automatic formation / AMPP), and its operational simplicity consolidated their multiple silos into a single comprehensive fabric.
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