By: Jatin Hajatri
Ergonomics is the study of adapting work or working conditions in order to suit the worker. This can vary from how the user is sitting to how bright the screen is for the user to see.
Solution: Get a keyboard with accessible Keys or split design. Issue: When accessing side keys, how do you prevent your wrist from bending to the side?
Solution: Dim your screen or cover the light source it is coming from. Another option is getting a glare screen. Issue: Glare is reflecting onto your screen
Solution: Take Frequent Breaks to relieve Eye straining and stress Issue: Eyes are straining and stressing out for projects/work.
Solution: Make sure to keep a good posture and to have a chair that can adjust posture change and movement. Also take frequent breaks to avoid sitting in One position too long. Issue: Prolonged Sitting/Bad Posture. Back learned forward.
Solution: Get glasses in order to see or zoom in on the computer so you don’t have to squint too much into the computer. Issue: Information on screen is hard to see and have to look closely.
Solution: Adjust your chair so that your feet are flat on the ground. Issue: Feet keep dangling/not well supported.
Solution: Adjust your monitor and posture so that your neck will be straight. Issue: Neck flexed downward
Solution: Make sure to have wrist support on your keyboard and mouse pad. Take frequent breaks and exercise your wrists. Issue: Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which can cause tingling, numbness, and swelling to the wrist.
Solution: Lower your work surface or chair arm rests and work on habit & tension training. Try to relax and calm your shoulders. Issue: Raised/Tensed Shoulders
Solution: Try lowering the monitor or removing the computer from under your desk. Issue: Neck extending backwards & health tilted back, even slightly.
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