Welcome to Year 3 Parent Information morning (16 th September 2013)


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 3 Parent Information morning (16 th September 2013)


CURRICULUM Autumn Topic-Ancient Egypt Science-Helping plants grow well Teeth and healthy eating Art- mixing colours- painting Egyptian scenery- masks ICT- Key skills- using word, publisher, power point. RE- How and why do Hindus celebrate Diwali & What do we know about Jesus? (Christmas) PE- Key steps Gymnastics & Skipping Literacy- Story writing and factual reports Maths- place value, 2d shapes, grouping & measure Maths- Place value, grouping, 2d shapes and measure. Music- Exploring pentatonic scales (Musical instruments) The Class Orchestra: Class radio show (Our local area)

CURRICULUM Spring Topic-Our Local area Science- Materials and their properties Rocks and soils Art- Sketching, Drawing in the style of Quentin Blake ICT- We are comic writers & We are opinion pollsters (Opinion polling) RE- What do signs and symbols mean in religion? (Geography-our local area) & What is the Bible and why it is important for Christians? PE- Speed Stacking Athletics Literacy- Narrative: (CLPE: Mousehole Cat) Performance Poetry Authors and letters: The Twits Poetry: Shape poems and calligrams Maths- Rounding, Multiples, time, collecting data Music- Exploring pentatonic scales (Musical instruments) The Class Orchestra: Class radio show (Our local area)

CURRICULUM Summer Topic-Weather around the world Science- Magnets and Springs Light and Shadows Art- Pencil sketches, Charcoal/Chalk, Watercolour Crafts (Plants) Sculptures: Sketch partners pose (PE/Geography/ICT –weather) Degas Circus Pictures (Link to PE ICT- We are presenters RE- What is faith and what difference does it make? (Literacy-countries) Darwin’s theory (Link to Plants) Faiths in our class PE- Val Sabin Games Unit 3 Multi-skills Val Sabin Games Unit 4 Literacy- Information texts (Countries-weather around the world) Poetry (language play) Narrative : Play scripts (Fantastic Mr Fox) CLPE: The Iron Man Maths- capacity, right angles and direction, sorting information, multiplication and division. Music- Salt pepper vinegar mustard (PE Skipping and Games) Painting with sound

HOMEWORK Weekly Routines- Homework will be given out on a FRIDAY and should be handed in the following WEDNESDAY. Homework will consist of 1 piece of maths and a set of spellings. Home Reading- Each child will be given a day to change their books – please ensure books are signed otherwise they cannot be changed.

EXPECTATIONS Timings Snacks Attendance Punctuality Behaviour Uniform

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