Outline 1. About Massive Open Online Courses 2. The eFAN project in France 3. The « eFAN Maths » MOOC
What is a MOOC ? Massive Open Online Courses: An online course, open to all
History - principles Online courses: not recent! An online course, with (much) more than thousand students: New ! First MOOC (computer science, in the USA) : more than 2300 inscriptions. In 2011, Stanford University opens a platform: more than inscriptions.
History - principles Many platforms have opened since
History - principles In France, september 2013, the platform « France Université Numérique » (FUN) is launched
History - principles A central principle: collaborative learning -The platform offers resources: short videos, texts, links etc. The resources can be seen online, or downloaded -It proposes activities to the participants -It offers spaces for discussion (forum) -Assessment of the participation: automatic assessment / collaborative asessment. But still a need for a close follow-up of the activities, animation of the forum etc. The course is given in a precise period!
The eFAN MOOC project in France First MOOC in France concerning teacher education: Teaching and Training with Digital Resources
The eFAN MOOC project in France Four courses in eFAN: -A general course over 7 weeks, about the use of technology in education -A course for professional developers, 4 weeks -A course about languages, 4 weeks -A course about mathematics, 4 weeks
The eFAN MOOC project in France The general eFAN course, from April to June 2014: more than inscriptions. Work of the (involved) participants: - An « instruments gallery »: 983 instruments (161 of them about mathematics) ; - A « project gallery »: projects proposed by groups of participants. 317 projects have been proposed (41 in mathematics, for all levels).
The eFAN maths project numerique- mooc.fr/courses/ENSCachan/ 20007/Trimestre_3_2014/abo ut
The eFAN maths project Objectives of eFAN maths Providing teachers, future teachers, teacher trainers, from preschool to university with tools for designing and analysing mathematics lessons using digital resources, likely to enhance the mathematical activity of their students. A course over 4 weeks (+ a « zero week » pre- MOOC) Each week: 3 videos (max 10 minutes), followed by a quiz, and an activity proposed. Central activity: build a collective project. A lesson to set up in class, using digital resources, software..
The eFAN maths project
Week 0 (17/11/2014) : Presentation of the MOOC Activity: visit of the galleries from the eFAN general project, first proposition of a project. Week 1 : Course about instruments, generalities on their use Activity: analysing the added value of instruments in the project Week 2 : Course about analysis of tasks and students activity Activity: analysing the tasks and potential students’ activity in the project Week 3 : analysis of the teacher’s role Activity: analysing the potential role of the teacher in the project Week 4 : quality of resources Activity: analysing the quality of another project During all the course: improvement of the project
Maha Abboud-Blanchard Gilles Aldon Michèle Artigue Pierre Bénech Claire Cazes Maxime Cocault Ghislaine Gueudet Françoise Hérault Marie-Pierre Lebaud Jana Trgalova Luc Trouche Fabrice Vandebrouc k