Jose S. Santiago M.D.
Sciatica Sciatica- nerve pain resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve - the pain starts from the lower back and extends down to the posterior thigh and leg
Treatment: 1. Analgesics 2. Anti-inflammatory drugs 3. Physiotherapy 4. Surgery
Sciatica A 45 year-old lady came to the Physical Therapy Department with back pain. She also complained of radiating pain to the back of the thigh and leg. She also said that the pain became more severe when she was bending her body forward.
P: Patient T: Therapist P: Hello. ____________. T: ____________. P: Here is my _____. I have an ________ for physical therapy. T: I will check your chart. Please _____. P: Yes.
P: Patient T: Therapist T: Please come in. What’s __________? P: I have _____ pain for the past _____. T: Did you ____ any injury in the back? P: Yes. I ___ a car accident last year but I didn’t get hurt.
P: Patient T: Therapist T: What kind of _____ do you have? P: I have deep pain in the lower _____ and radiating pain in the back of the _____ down to the ___. T: How ______ is the pain? P: I have pain after _____ and ______ for some time.
P: Patient T: Therapist T: From the X-ray report and your symptoms, the doctor diagnosed it as ________. P: Is it anything serious? T: No. If you take the proper ______ you can get well soon.
P: Patient T: Therapist P: What kind of ______ will I get? T: The pain is due to ________ of the nerve so we will _____ traction for relieving the compression and _______ for controlling the pain. Please ______ for the treatment. P: Yes, I will _______.
P: Patient T: Therapist T: I will ______ the chest belt and waist belt now. Please be ______. If it is too tight, tell me __________. P: No. It is _____ for me. T: Now I will turn on the machine. You will feel a ______ force on the hip. For a few seconds you will feel a hold and then again a pulling force. It is ______.
P: Patient T: Therapist P: Okay. How long is the treatment time? T: For ___ minutes. After this treatment I will _____ hot pack. P: Okay sir. Thank you.
P: Patient T: Therapist Sometime later: T: The treatment is _____. You can ______. I will apply the hot pack. Please raise your ____ a little bit. I will _____ the hot pack now. You will feel a little ______ in this treatment. If you feel any ______ please call me. P: Sure sir.
P: Patient T: Therapist After the treatment: T: Today’s treatment is _____. Tomorrow you can come here at _____. I will ____ you some precautions. Please follow it. Lie in a flat surface always. Place a _____ under the knees when you lie down.
P: Patient T: Therapist T: Avoid standing and ______ for a long time. P: Okay sir. I will _____ your instructions. Thank you. T: You are welcome.