Irish Road Bowling BY: DUSTIN DAVIS
Irish Road Bowling Irish Road was originated in Ireland, and was played in Scotland, Ireland, England, and North America until the 19th century. The objective of the game is to propel a ball along a predetermined country road with the least amount of throws.
History Irish Road Bowling traces back to the 17th century and was a much more popular game than it is today. In the past, the players were given 20 throws to complete and whoever got the farthest would win, Though the modern game of Irish Road Bowling is now on a fixed distance.
Equipment Steel Cannonball- 3 inch diameter, weighing 794 grams Chalk- Used to mark the finish line and the throwing mark and the stopping point of a shot. Country Road- You will need a country road to play on with little to no traffic to be able to play.
Country Roads Country Roads come in all shapes and sizes, they can be at a incline or a decline slope, they can be straight or curvy. For new players, straight roads may be a better option for you. Pro players like to pick curvy roads with a new challenge.
Equipment Finish Line- The end of the course, it can be drawn with chalk, or cones or tape can be used to signify the end of the course. Throwing Mark- The start of the course, chalk, cones, or tape can be used to create one.
Scoring Players must propel a ball across a finish line with the fewest throws possible to win a game, somewhat like golf. If there is a tie between players, the winner is decided by who throws the bullet the farthest past the finish line.
Geography Even though it may be more popular in Ireland, there have been Irish Road games played in places like New York, Massachusetts, West Virginia and even in our state in Asheville, North Carolina.
Terminology Loft- To throw the ball into the air Shot- A throw Score- A match Bullet- The bowl that is thrown or "shot" Butt- The throwing mark you must stay behind when you throw. Break butt- To step over the throwing mark before you throw Corner- A sharp curve in the road or a corner where two roads meet
Rules The objective of the game is to propel a ball along a predetermined country road with the least amount of throws. The game can be played one on one or teams playing against each other. Over tight curves or turns, players may loft the ball, if the ball does not go over or land on the road, it counts as one throw and you must restart from the same mark.