Lamentations Author: Jeremiah Type: Lament Some interesting stuff… Acrostic – 22 verses = Hb alphabet Elegiac Poetry = parallelism AJerusalem’s plight BJehovah’s anger CJeremiah’s grief BJehovah’s anger AJerusalem’s plight
Lamentations Context Destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon circa 587BC Written to be read at the Jewish festivals
2. Chapter Summary Method Definition: This method requires us to read the passage at least five times whilst asking a series of questions with the aim of providing a suitable summary of the main content.
2. Chapter Summary Method The 10 steps 1.Caption 2.Contents 3.Chief people 4.Choice verse 5.Crucial words 6.Challenges 7.Cross references 8.Christ Seen 9.Central lessons 10.Conclusion
2. Chapter Summary Method The 10 steps – Lamentations 1 1.Caption – Zion Falls 2.Contents – A lament for the city of Jerusalem/Judah. Statement of fact regarding the city. People exiled, temple destroyed, sufferings detailed 3. Chief people – Jeremiah - author/prophet Jerusalem (Zion)- personification God
2. Chapter Summary Method The 10 steps 4. Choice verse – v 18 The Lord is Righteous, yet…. 5. Crucial words - once, become, now, remembers, 6. Challenges – righteous judgment, The nature of God esp. O.T
2. Chapter Summary Method The 10 steps 7. Cross references – multitudes of references back to the book of Jeremiah. 8. Christ seen – righteous. 9. Central lessons – God keeps his promises both in curse and obedience.
2. Chapter Summary Method The 10 steps 10. Conclusion How many chances does God give us….so many but eventually He will let us have our way. v18 – Jerusalem admits her rebellion and reaps the consequences. Our Task : 1 John 1