Number 7 Friday 20 th January Curriculum Within school this term we have planned our curriculum with a ‘creative and cross curricular’ approach meaning we have an overall topic theme and we link what the children learn within individual subjects together. The topic the whole school have chosen this term is The Environment. If anyone has any particular skills, knowledge or resources that could support this we would love to hear from you. The table below provides a summary of what each class will cover this term. Happy New Year! Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4 Understanding the arts (music, drama & art) Role play castle – making crowns Farm related art Junk models Landscape and artists Singing Forest drama Forest floor tissue paper printing Animal footprint Music – Peter and the wolf Musical composition - telling a story through sound Natural art Printing 2d / 3d large projects Mountain art – sketching, photography, painting, colour Historical, geographical and social understanding Exploring castles Spring Walk Environmental change and sustainability Life before electricity Lamps Our role in the carbon count Investigating Cumbria The mountain environment Forest work Comparing mountain ranges Understanding physical development, health and well being Games ( individual & team) Dance Outdoor area – building castles, farms Feelings Our caring school and roles within this Gymnastics Dance Feelings Swimming Multi skills Working with others to achieve results Tag Rugby Mini netball Getting on and falling out Awareness & effect of humans on mountain environment Scientific and technological understanding Animals in our local area Young animals Electricity Habitats Local renewable energy Earth, sun and moon Information communication technology Basic skills Writing stories and presenting in different ways using computer effects Collecting and presenting information Monitoring environmental conditions and changes using data loggers and sensors Religious education Belonging to a family The life of Jesus Miracles & stories St Oswald’s Special Places Exploring Muhammad and his importance to Muslims Where did the Christian bible come from? Literacy & Numeracy will continue to be taught more discretely to ensure basic skill knowledge is secure. Links will be made where possible. Please see more information on the back!
Dean After School Club If anyone has any sports equipment (tennis racquets, balls, hoops etc) they don’t need anymore then Mrs King would welcome it as donations to after school club. Class 3 Mr Newberry will be working with Class 3 over the next 8 weeks as he completes his final placement as a student teacher. Spring term Half term is 13 th – 17 th February. The Spring term ends on Friday 30 th March Dinner Money – Spring term Dinner money for the first half of the spring term will be £51.80 or £9.25 per week. All cheques made payable to Cumbria County Council please. Thanks Choir Choir will re-start for Year 3,4,5 & 6 on Thursday 26 th January 3.15 – 4.15pm. Sports Hall The sports hall committee are looking for a treasurer and if anyone is interested please see Mrs Martin. The commitment is to 4 meetings per year (early evening usually last about half an hour) and to keeping accounts of the hall users payments. Fundraising Pamper Evening Raising money for the First Responders – Pamper evening from 7.15pm on 23 rd Feb at Windyhaugh, Ullock. Also quiz and raffle. Treatments available for £10 each (manicure, pedicure, massage, reike etc) from professional therapists. Telephone Julia on (evenings after 8pm) to make a booking.