The Leo Club led the school in filling a bus with items from the canned food drive to benefit the Coventry Food Pantry
We duct taped our principals to a post! Why? We surpassed our goal for the canned food drive!
Leos all in Pink to “Unite for Her” and the Pink Out Game
The Leo Club helped out the OJRMS Language Arts Department by making the gift bags for the OJRMS Reading After Dark Night.Reading After Dark Night.
Thanking those who serve and help others!
MS Leos Shatter Pennies for Patients Goal
Leos, Lions and "In Ian's Boots"
REA Safe Trick or Treat Night: The Leos handed out over 1800 pieces of Candy! Building Wide Clean Up: Each time we met, the Leos would walk around the building and clean up our school! Upcoming Event: Miss Rumpp will be at the Berks County Animal Rescue League on Saturday June 25 th if anyone would like to join her.