Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future The promotion of healthy living to young people in out of home care Eleanor Pierce Health & Wellbeing Coordinator Berry Street North West Metropolitan Region Victoria
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Background to the Project In Australia 2/3 of adults & 1/4 young people are currently over weight or obese (Wake et al.,2007) Minimum Government guidelines for physical activity and nutrition not being met for young people in mainstream schools. Conducted discussions with BS Staff at that time about current situation for young people in Residential Care (December 2006) Reviewed study conducted by Dr. Jessica Murphy about the psychological morbidity of residential care workers (included BS Staff) Further developed idea and applied for funding through philanthropic trusts
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Pre - Evaluation Focus Groups Individual Interviews Attended Staff Meetings Informal and anecdotal discussions Survey of staff Discussions with individual young people Feedback from key professionals through the Reference Group
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Initial Findings from Young People Young people identified that their health and wellbeing could be improved, Young people did not meet the minimum guidelines for Nutrition and Physical Activity as determined by the Government, Young people often did not realize that the option was available to them to take part in extra activities Young people were easily able to identify areas/activities that would improve their health and wellbeing.
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Initial Findings from Young People A strong message from young people was that they would like to be able to spend more one on one time with key workers Young people did not have a good understanding about healthier food choices, cooking or reading food labels
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Initial Findings from Staff Staff felt that their health and wellbeing could be improved in the areas of nutrition and physical activity. Staff felt that there were many barriers to them improving their health and wellbeing. Staff felt that the young people that they work with did not meet the minimum Government guidelines for physical activity and nutrition and that they were not provided with enough opportunities to receive further information or education about this.
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Initial Findings from Staff Staff felt that it would be very difficult to change some of the imbedded culture in the organisation and that some units/ clients would be very difficult to engage with. Staff felt that their own health and wellbeing was negatively impacted on the most by relationships with ‘the office’, not feeling that they are considered to be experts on the clients that they work with, financial and funding concerns, rosters, working with casual staff that do not know the clients or the expectations of the unit. Overwhelmingly, staff felt that their own wellbeing or mood had the biggest impact on the wellbeing of the young people in their unit. Staff felt encouraged by this project and felt that it was an avenue for their ideas about the units, young people and rosters to be communicated with the office based staff, they felt like they had been listened to
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future How the project works- Clients Health and Wellbeing Coordinator (HAWC) visits each unit fortnightly to take part in activities chosen by the young people & to eat dinner with the staff and young people. Young people provided with information about the project, HAWC helps to identify any particular interests or goals that they would like to work on to improve health & wellbeing. One-on-One time is planned with some individual clients dependent on required need. Specialized unit programs and projects. School holiday activities planned in consultation with young people & educational team. Activities are designed to provide quality time for young people and staff, to challenge the clients & for learning in a relaxed and fun environment.
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future How the project works-Staff Aim to promote health and wellbeing to staff thus role modeling positive behaviour to clients. Staff are also given the option to work on an individual goal with the HAWC Staff running/ walking group runs twice weekly at the office Personal training and Zumba runs on a weekly basis for all staff in the region Weekly fruit delivery. Quarterly e-newsletter. Financial assistance & support for methods to improve health, participation in physical activity, health and wellbeing related learning. Professional development and specific training.
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Partnerships - External Partnership with local alternative school: 2 students selected to attend annual Darwin trip. Tuesday night after school club with residential clients Zumba dance classes and group fitness training. Priority enrollment for BS clients and additional support. Partnership with local community health centre: Living skills pilot program Nutrition education pilot program in a residential unit Free nutrition education sessions for staff Representation on reference group Partnership with Deakin University: Supported student volunteer position Contracted as external evaluators Application for Link age funding Representation on the reference group
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Partnerships - Internal Integral to the success of the project is the partnership with the Berry Street Education Support Team Clients health and wellbeing goals often link strongly to learning & education Examples: Collaboration in Tuesday night after school club & Thursday night homework club Life skills program for clients disengaged from school & moving into more independent living. Succinct holiday program - education certificates/workshops with complimentary health & wellbeing activities. Regular team meetings, project development, sharing information, discussing clients needs & joint planning.
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Challenges Not enough time to meet all of the ideas/ interests that the young people and staff have identified! Working against things that are out of the control of the project- client absconding, client personal issues, staff rosters, casual staff Working to alter a deeply imbedded culture
Health, Wellbeing and Pathways to the Future Recommendations-Health Promoting Units’ Build ‘Healthy’ Policy into the units Create supportive environments with increased expectations of young people and of staff Each client enrolled and supported in at least one activity of their choice Strengthen action, communication & support from office based staff and care teams Develop skills of residential care workers and young people Improve the overall health & wellbeing of residential and office based staff as well as the clients
Falls Creek Ski Trip 2009
Girls Healthy Living Program
Otway’s Camping Trip 2010
Northern Territory Trip 2009
Northern Territory Trip 2010
Bike Ride from unit to city 2010 Day sailing trip 2009