The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring
The PIY Workshop or Six Weeks to Self-Publishing Session 1: To Publish, or Not to Publish Session 2: Author I – Writing Session 3: Author II – Editing Session 4: Publisher I: Production Session 5: Publisher II: Marketing Session 6: Entrepreneur – Publishing in the Digital Age LLA Our text: APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur–How to Publish a Book, by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch
Session 5: Publisher II Marketing Questions & Answers The 3 P’s of Publishing Marketing (It’s All Marketing!) o Production o Pricing o Promotion A CreateSpace Fly-By Project Updates LLA 0104,
Questions and Answers Have you done your tour of CreateSpace and KDP? Your questions: 4
The Three P’s: Production Three C’s of Production Complexity: Is your book simple, somewhat complex, or complex? Creativity: How creative can you afford to be? Cost: What are your profit goals? 5
The Three P’s: Pricing Three ways to set price o Top-down: your intuitive sense o Bottom-up: the demands of the market o Cost-based: by the numbers Hardcopy vs. digital market dynamics Soft-launch or hard-launch goals Letting Amazon do it. 6
The Three P’s: Promotion Level I marketing: what comes with Amazon. o Title, description, categories and key words o Channels and distribution in all Amazon’s markets o Promotion opportunities: Kindle Select, Amazon store, Author Central, etc. Level II marketing: Building an author platform o Website, blog, other people’s blogs o Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. o Web advertising: SEM and digital ads. o Event marketing Level III marketing: get professional help o Getting help from professional marketers, aka agents and publicists o Getting on board the publisher train 7
10 Ways to Promote Your Book 1.Get your family and friends talking it up. 2.Do a press release. 3.Mix it up on LinkedIn. 4.Do a book event or tour. 5.Flog your blog. Make friends with bloggers. 6.Build a Facebook page. 7.Twitter, G+, Tumblr, other social media. 8.Get people to write reviews. 9.Test some ads. 10.Get interviewed by a podcaster. 8
Self-Publisher’s Checklist 19 Reprinted from Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran, a book well worth your investment!
A CreateSpace Fly-By A step-by-step walk through getting started on CreateSpace. A lot has changed in the past three years. CS will continue to change as the market evolves. Start by setting up your Amazon account. You can have as many CS accounts as you need or want. You’ll need to have an address, delivery address, SSN or ETN, a bank account if you want direct deposit of your royalties, and a clear path to getting the ISBN you want. 10
Check CreateSpace Often for Updates and News 11
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20 Get your formatted template! Find out your mfg. cost to start thinking about pricing! Step 9
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DRM “DRM” stands for “digital rights management”— or more realistically, “delusions of rights management.” It’s the concept that large companies can create systems that hackers cannot break. If this is a race, our money is on the hackers. Most online ebook resellers have their own DRM features built into their systems. Amazon and Apple, however, offer the choice of adding more DRM for your books. Our advice is to decline these offers and err on the side of too little DRM for these reasons: DRM inconveniences honest people. DRM doesn’t stop dishonest people. Even if you could stop the dishonest people, they won’t buy your book. Even dishonest people, if they like your book, may tell other people to buy and read your book. You should focus on writing a book that’s worth stealing and marketing it so that the world knows about it. APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book, p
The “Description” 250 words or less Inverted pyramid Embedded key words Third person Tell a story. Excerpt from your best blurb Connect with the ideal reader Let GoodReads help you Participate in LinkedIn groups 28
The Divine Storyteller For fans worldwide of author Nevil Shute, The Divine Storyteller offers a new viewpoint on the novelist's life during the years 1944 to 1955 and the ideas that shaped his widely popular books. Written as a series of imagined, present-tense conversations between Nevil Shute Norway and his friends and associates, The Divine Storyteller puts you in the same room, yacht, automobile, or airplane as the author and his companions. Shute's approaches to theme, plot and character development are portrayed against the backdrop of his active life as a war correspondent, a pilot adventurer, and an Australian immigrant after World War II. Written with the greatest admiration for Shute, The Divine Storyteller is a must for long-time devotees or quick introduction to the sources of the author's work and thought. Shute helped a generation process the changing face of English society before and after World War II and the post-war specter of the nuclear threat in his novel On the Beach. The Divine Storyteller is a fast read written with gratitude and respect for the man and his contributions to popular 20th century literature globally. It will entertain and enlighten a new generation to Shute's body of work. 29
MountainVision Join Jeff Evans on outdoor adventures to the world's highest mountains and as he unpacks how to conquer the fears and perils that life's challenges bring. In this updated and expanded edition of MountainVision, Jeff's exciting and inspiring memoir teaches new lessons in leadership and life from beyond the summit. 30
Categories You can only pick two! 31
32 BISAC Category Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISAC) categories are used by the book-selling industry to help identify and group books by their subject matter. Choose the BISAC category that best fits your book. Step 16
Key Words Add search keywords when you're filling out the details on the Your Book page. To make sure that readers can find your textbook easily on the U.S. Kindle store, you'll need to add the right search keyword. For your book to appear in the Textbook category, you'll need to add this search keyword when you enter your title information: kdp_textbook_submission Important : You must add the keyword exactly as it appears above, complete with underscores, or your book will not appear in the Textbook category on the Kindle store. 33
goodreads 34
The IBPA 35
Association of Independent Authors The Association of Independent Authors was established in 2009 in response to a constant anti self-published commentary on blogs, forums, etc. by those who had an interest in ensuring this 'fad' would soon be over. Association of Independent Authors 36 Executive Director Leigh Cunningham
Alliance of Independent Authors 37 The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is the professional association for authors who self-publish.Alliance of Independent Authors We foster ethics and excellence in self-publishing -- and run many campaigns and collaborations that benefit our members. Pronouced (sic!) “Ally” not “Allee” we are a global organisation, organised across eight territories: AfricaIndia AustralasiaSouth America CanadaUK EuropeUS We offer connection and collaboration, advice and education, advocacy and representation to writers who want to self-publish well.
Author Marketing Experts 38
BookBaby 39
BookDaily 40
Archway Publishing 41
Homework APE: The Entrepreneur Chapters, 22 to the end. The APE Glossary Write a description for your book or project. Be ready to tell us where you plan to go from here. 42
The Publish-It- Yourself Workshop Mike McCandless, Instructor Harper College Continuing Education, Course LLA 0104 Spring