* Neurectomy * Neural * Costectomy * Costal * Transcostal * Intracostal
* 4 Parts to Medical Terms * Wood Root * Combining form * Prefix * Suffix * “Read” as a sentence
* Basic meaning of a med term * Indicates a body part * Latin or Greek * Can contain > one word root but all have at least 1 * Example: * Neur – nerve * Cost - rib
* Word root + vowel * “o” is most commonly used vowel * Indicate body parts * Combining forms used when: * Multiple word roots * Suffix ends in a consonant * Example: * Neur/o – nerve * Cost/o - rib
* Word ending * Creates… * Noun (N) * Adjective (A) * Verb (V) * All med terms have suffixes * Examples: * -logist: a specialist in the study of * -ectomy: excision or surgical removal (N) * -al: pertaining to (A) * -itis: inflammation
* Neuropathy * Neuritis
* Beginning of med term * Describes, modifies, or limits the term * Not all med terms have prefixes * Example: * Trans- across, through * Intra- in, within * Sub- less than, under
* “Reading” med terms 1. Define the suffix (end of the word) 2. Define the prefix (beginning of the word) 3. Define the word root (middle of the word) 4. Combine definitions to decode the med term or phrase * Example: Intraneural 1. Suffixal = pertaining to 2. Prefixintra = within 3. Middle neur = nerve 4. Combine pertaining to within a nerve
* How is mega being used? * Megadose * Megalocephalic * Cardiomegaly
* Neurectomy * Neural * Costectomy * Costal * Transcostal * Intracostal * Transneural * Transneurocostal
* Neurectomy * Word root–neur + suffix–ectomy = * Suffix: ectomy means excision (of) * Beginning of word: neur means nerve * Definition: excision of a nerve
* Neural * Word root–neur + suffix–al = * Suffix: al means pertaining to * Word Root: neur means nerve * Definition: pertaining to a nerve
* Costectomy * Word root–cost + suffix–ectomy = * Suffix: ectomy means excision (of) * Word Root: cost means ribs * Definition: excision of a rib
* Transcostal * Prefix-trans + Word root–cost + suffix–al = * Suffix: al means pertaining to * Prefix: trans means across, through * Word Root: cost means ribs * Definition: pertaining to across or through the rib
* Intracostal * Prefix-intra + Word root–cost + suffix–al = * Suffix: al means pertaining to * Prefix: intra means in or within * Word Root: cost means ribs * Definition: pertaining to in or within the rib
* Transneural * Prefix-trans + Word root–neur + suffix–al = * Suffix: al means pertaining to * Prefix: trans means across or through * Word Root: neur means nerve * Definition: pertaining to across or through the nerve
* Transneurocostal * Prefix-trans + Word root–neur & cost + suffix–al = * Suffix: al means pertaining to * Prefix: trans means across or through * Combining Word: neur means nerve * Word Root: cost means rib * Definition: pertaining to across or through the nerve and rib.