UNINETT antispam service TERENA EQUAL workshop Magnus Strømdal
2 History The ”dike” project started in 2004 Sentral service operated my UNINETT Selfservice configuration. First customer May 2004 Curently more than 200 domains Started with only greylisting Added IPv6 support in 2006 Added content inspection in 2007 Turned on Blacklisting in 2008 Added support for ”recipient lists” in 2009
3 UNINETT antispam service
4 HW Setup Dike 1a Dike 1b Dike 2a Dike 2b Static DNS Load balancing Hot spare MTA
5 Performance Dike I Dual Intel Xeon 3.2 Ghz, 5GB ram 2.3 mil triplets a day 300 threads 300 database threads Ratelimiting of senders 10 connections pr. Minute 20 s pr. Connection
6 Performance Dike II Dual AMD, dual core, 2,6 Ghz, 8 GB Ram On average ~ 0.3 second processing time pr. . Logging is a bottleneck Statistic is slow......
7 Lesson learned Users (admins) likes the service Greylisting block more than 98% Now blocked by the Blacklists Content scanning ”tags” ~ 40% cases of ”investigation” The biggest problem is the MTA of the customer. Users expect to work like IM
8 Questions? All software is opensource and available, contact me and I will give you a link to the latest version