What should Caribbean Consultants key messages be? Felicia Linch
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. What is an Industry Awareness Campaign? ‘Primarily an externally focussed campaign to promote the benefits of a particular industry to its Stakeholders’.
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. Who are the Stakeholders in the Consulting Industry? Stakeholders for the consulting industry would be: – Consultants: Individuals, firms and companies – Clients and Prospective Clients: Businesses (SMEs, Entrepreneurs, large nationals and Multi-nationals), Governments, quasi- Governmental organizations, and State owned enterprises or Agencies, Not-for-profits – Financial Institutions: Banks and Insurers – Educational Institutions: Particularly at the tertiary level as these are potential future consultants
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. What are the Drivers for an Industry Awareness Campaign in the Caribbean? Negative perceptions held by some stakeholder groups e.g. ‘consultants – what do they know’ ‘they charged a lot but did nothing’ Eating our Lunch: 92.5% of consulting fees in the Caribbean region are going to ‘foreign’ consultants, and these projects tend to be the high-value end (strategy/systems).
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. What are the Drivers for an Industry Awareness Campaign in the Caribbean? Un-tapped market potential: that is providing Strategy consulting services to SME’s /Start-ups, which make up a large majority of the enterprises in the private sector in the Caribbean, and also not-for-profits Question of standards: With most Caribbean consultants being either independent consultants or small firms there is a perception that quality is lacking because it is assumed we don’t have: (i) the expertise, (ii) the experience to run large projects and (iii) lack financial stability
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. What are the key messages we need to promote? Clear and consistent message as to the types of consulting roles: – Diagnostic role: identifying the issues/needs analysis – Expert role: unique knowledge and technical expertise – Process /Facilitative role: helping the client better understand their situation and actions towards improving it ( based on E. Schein, (2nd Ed, Vol 1), ‘Process Consultation: its role in Organizational Development’, Prentice Hall ). The benefits of using consulting services: – Independence – Skills – Analysis – Resource (source Kopac Consulting) What we do: – Solving management and business problems – Identifying opportunities – Facilitating learning – Implementing changes (source Milton Kubr)
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. The Campaign’s focus In our definition of a campaign we said it should be: ‘primarily externally focused…’ However there are some areas of internal focus for us as Caribbean Consultants, i.e. – Our Professional and Personal Development – Industry Standards – Increased Understanding of our Market
Company Confidential - no elements of this presentation may be reproduced without the express permission of Hassell & Linch Associates Ltd. Next Steps How do we implement this campaign? -Evaluating and ‘putting our own house in order’ -Develop mechanisms for engaging stakeholders -Recognising that collaboration at the national and regional level is key
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