Chapter 03 Art of Ancient Egypt
3-02 Tutankhamon’s mask
3-03 Jar with river scene
3-04 Palette of Narmer
3-06 Egyptian canon of proportions
3-08 Stepped pyramid of Djoser
3-09 Wall of the North Palace
3-10 Great Pyramids, Giza
3-11 Model of the Giza plateau
3-12 Khafra
3-13 Menkaura and a Queen
3-15 Seated Scribe
3-16 Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt
3-19 Rock-cut tombs, Beni Hasan
3-22 Face of King Senusret III
3-27 Hypostyle hall, Great Temple of Amun
3-28 Flower and bud columns, hypostyle hall
3-29 Luxor Temple
3-30 Hatshepsut as Sphinx
3-31 Funerary temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri
3-33 Abu Simbel, Temple of Rameses II
3-34 Temple of Rameses II, Abu Simbel
3-36 Akhenaten and His Family
3-38 Nefertiti
3-41 Tut’s inner mummy case
3-43 Judgment before Osiris