Table 1 Descriptive Variables __________________________________________________________________________________________ Variables M (SD) Min. Max. n* __________________________________________________________________________________________ Age (yrs.)14.2 (1.78) Height (cm) (8.8) Weight (kg) (20.5) Weight (lbs)220.4 (45.2) BMI (kg/m 2 ) 36.4 (5.91) BMI %98.8 (1.03) BMI z2.37 (.295) _________________________________________________________________________________________ Note. * Gender 42 % male and 58% female
Table 2 Demographic Variables and Gender _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Male Female___________ M (SD) n (total) M (SD) n (total) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age (years) 14 (1.65) (1.86)45 Height (cm) (10.4) (6.9)45 Weight (kg) (21.5) (19.7)45 BMI 36.4 (6) (5.9)45 BMI % 99.1 (.71) (1.2)45 BMI z 2.47 (.28) (.29) 45 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Table 3 Measures of Glucose Metabolism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Variables M (SD) Minimum Maximum n (total ) _______________________________________________________________________________________ IR9.42 (9.1) (46) HYPERIN (µU/ml)641 (297) (35) IFG (mg/dl)111 (5.35) (53) IGT (mg/dl)154 (13.45) (44) DM2 (mg/dl) (78) Elevated6 % (2.66) 5.7 % 6.7 % 25 (64) HbA1c (Time 1) Elevated 6 % (.174) 5.7 % 6.4 % 19 (39) HbA1c (Last) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Note. IR = insulin resistance. HYPERIN =Hyperinsulinemia. IFG = Impaired fasting glucose. IGT= Impaired glucose tolerance. DM2 = type-2 diabetes.
Table 4 Correlations Among Variables of Glucose Metabolism _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Variables Pearson r p (significance) n (total) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 hr. Glucose tol. & First HbA1c hr. Glucose tol. & Last HbA1c hr. Glucose tol. & Insulin total hr. Glucose tol. & HOMA-IR Insulin total & HOMA-IR ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Table 5 Insulin Resistance ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Variable t-test ( df) Sig. (2-tailed) M (SD) 95% CI LL UL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last HbA1c 1.66 (38) (.103) BMI % 2.95 (22)* (.365) BMI z 3.64 (44) * (.088) Insulin Total 3.56 (33) * (88.4) min. Glucose tol (44) * (2.89) hr. Glucose tol (36) (8.16) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note. * Significance at an α of.05
Table 6 Depressive Symptoms Measured by the CES-DC _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Depression Scores 0-14 (none) (mild ) (moderate) (severe) n (total in sample) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Time 1 36 (46%) 27 (35%) 7 (9%) 1 (1%) 71 ( 78) Time 2 22 (28%) 19 (24%) 2 (2.6%) 1 (1%) 44 (78) Time 3 17 (22%) 7 (9%) 4 (5%) 1 (1%) 29 (78) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Note. CES-DC (Centers for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale for Children)
Demographic Variables (age, gender, race, & BMI) Depressive Symptoms Insulin Resistance & Abnormal HbA1c Hyperinsulinemia, Impaired Fasting Glucose, & Impaired Glucose Tolerance Type-2 Diabetes Figure 1. Factors Associated with Type-2 Diabetes in Obese Youth
n= 82 participants (original study) 4 overweight not examined (BMI < 95 th %) 78 obese youth in current study (BMI > 95 th %) 35/78 underwent a full OGTT used to compute total insulin level 46 /78 with a fasting glucose and insulin to compute HOMA-IR 53/78 with fasting glucose levels to determine IFG 44/78 underwent full or abbreviated OGTT to determine IGT 64/78 HbA1c- Time 1 documented 39/78 Last HbA1c documented Figure 2. Distribution of the Sample Sizes 71/78 fully completed the CES-DC at Time 1
LLifestyle Habits lPuberty Family History Impaired Fasting Glucose Impaired Glucose Tolerance Depressive Symptoms Type-2 Diabetes Insulin Resistance Figure 3. Factors Related to the Development of Type-2 Diabetes