CrimeWatch Consulting “It’s what you don’t see that could save your life…” Presented by: Vidyasagar Velamala Yuga Pawar Floyd Srubar
Definition of the Problem People often make life-changing, or life-ending decisions based on incomplete information about the environment they are living in or about to live in. Value You’ll See Consulting wishes to give the present and future citizens peace of mind when making these decisions by providing crime statistic information to the public.
Business Needs Business Owners Restaurant Chains Gas Stations Motels Residents Students Retired People Families of Employees Contractors (NASA, Boeing, JACOBS)
How a Data Warehouse Supports This Compiles Crime Data Into Information Public is available, but also cumbersome. A warehouse makes this more consumable and available to our clients. Provides Useful Decision Making Information Potentially Identify Police Staffing Needs. Crime Rates By Hour of Day, Street, and Area. Weekends and Holidays Crime Frequency, and Where They Occur.
Facts and Dimensions
Facts Seven Month Sample Data (Collected June – December 2009) Over 85,000 crimes recorded. Covers All of the City of Houston. Important Fields Where (Street and Location) What (Type of Offense) When (Date and Time of Day)
Dimensions Offense Types City of Houston data shows seven classifications of “crime”. “Premises” Codes Classifications by the Houston Police Department describing where crimes occur. (e.g. 18A – Apartment Parking Lot, 13A – Alleyway, etc.)
Dimensions Police Beats Streets that are contained within a substation’s patrol beat. Useful for determining patrol staffing needs. Day of Week – 2009 Indicates which day of the week corresponds to a given date in Also can be used for seasonal crime forecasting. (e.g. Holiday shoppers – more theft in the Q4 period of the year)
Possible Reports
Dimensions Possible Reports Reports as Top 10 Lists: Which 10 streets are the ‘safest’. Or, the opposite…10 Most Dangerous When Crime Is Occurring Weekends vs. Weekdays Holiday Crime Counts By Police Beat What is the ‘Worst’ Time of Day?
Dimensions Possible Reports Where Crime Happens Reports based on Street, Time of Day, and What Location (premises). Apartment locator companies would want a report that shows possibly which complexes are more criminally active.