Thornhill School News Issue 16 Fri 20 th January CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Next Week Tues- KS2 Gym Wed- NO knitting club Thur- Recorder club Fri- Good Work Assembly 10.30/ Youth Club If you would like to help with reading in school please see Miss Clark. Another busy week! In design and technology we have been making waterproof garments from readily available materials. These include bin bags, shower curtains, cling film and carrier bags. Great fun was had by all myself included. Thank you to those of you who sent in the required things Has anyone got the wrong sweatshirt? Jake Linklater has lost his could you check please... Head Lice We have had very few cases of headlice so far this school year, but please continue to be vigilent. If your child has headlice they will be sent home in order to limit the spread to others. This Week th Jan Mon- KS2 Athletics event pm Governors Meeting 6pm Tues- Friends Meeting 5pm KS2 Gym 3-4pm Wed- Knitting/Sewing 3-4pm Thurs- Recorders 3-4pm Fri- Mobile Library visit Youth Club Please ensure your new phone number has been given to the office. Our novel – There’s a boy in the girl’s bathroom, has us hooked. We have looked in depth, this week into the confused and complicated mind of Bradley Chalkers. Discussing character motivation and exploring the reasons why people behave as they do. In maths we have been reflecting shapes using a variety of methods. We have realised that tracing paper, alongside mirrors, can be an aid to this. Youth Club news 20th Jan- Wii competitions 27th Jan- Junk Modelling 3rd Feb- Games night 10th Feb- Valentine’s Party Free Meal deal after 6 visits!! This week we have looked at one character from our focus text. The Troll came to visit us and we listened to his side of the story. He let us ask him questions and we feel we know him quite well now! We made a list of 24 words which we could use to describe him. We used these words to help us write character profiles. This was good fun!
Parent/ Carer consultation Please bring your parental survey forms back in- your views are important! There will be two parental survey meetings coming up over the next week. If you feel able to come and give your views, you are most welcome. Session 1- Monday 23 rd January 5.30pm Session 2- Thursday 26th January 1.30pm Sing Up! Last week all Key Stage Two children received letters about the up-coming Sing-up festival. We are taking all Key Stage Two children to this event on the 24 rd February and we are asking for a £2 donation towards transport. There will be tickets available for you to buy- at £3 a ticket. If you have not seen a letter please ask your child to collect a replacement from Mrs Toman. Friends of school news The Friends of school met on Tuesday Night to organise events for the coming school term. They have decided to host a Bingo Night towards the end of the Spring Term, just before the Easter holidays. We will be holding a raffle so we would like donations for prizes. Please give to Mrs Toman. ICT Room Thanks to the hard work of a few parents and staff, we now have a transformed ICT room which looks excellent- please pop through and have a look.