WHAT IS A PREPOSITION? A preposition links a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. They tell more about time, place and motion in a sentence. Prepositions also describe the relationship of a noun to a Verb Adverb Adjective Example She aimed at the target. I climbed up the mountain. The magic is within you.
PREPOSITIONS CONTINUED Prepositions are used to connect information in a sentence as well as describe situations. Without them, sentences would be choppy and not make sense! Example
PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES A prepositional phrase includes a preposition and its object. It starts with a preposition and is followed by a noun, pronoun, or gerund that helps to connect the phrase to the rest of the sentence. **Gerunds are verbs that take the place of nouns and end in “ing”! Example My students love going to lunch. Every morning I run by the lake. You will study tonight like I asked of you.
YOUR TURN My favorite food is chocolate, despite is calories and damage to my teeth! Sammy always charges her phone before going to bed. Bitsi is always near her food bowl. The Olive Garden is beside the CVS. Grandma eats without her dentures.
ANSWERS: PREPOSITIONS My favorite food is chocolate, despite is calories and damage to my teeth! Sammy always charges her phone before going to bed. Bitsi is always near her food bowl. The Olive Garden is beside the CVS. Grandma eats without her dentures.
ANSWERS: PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES My favorite food is chocolate, despite is calories and damage to my teeth! Sammy always charges her phone before going to bed. Bitsi is always near her food bowl. The Olive Garden is beside the CVS. Grandma eats without her dentures.
CONJUNCTIONS Conjunctions connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The common conjunctions are: And But For Or Nor Yet So Example I love chocolate and flowers, but rarely do I ever receive them together.
YOUR TURN Would you rather eat five slices of pizza, or eat 5 pieces of cake. I do not lie, nor cheat. I do not like to get up before noon, yet I come to school on time everyday ready to learn! I review my note every night so I will make awesome grades! My school is big and busy!
CONJUNCTIONS: ANSWERS Would you rather eat five slices of pizza, or eat 5 pieces of cake. I do not lie, nor cheat. I do not like to get up before noon, yet I come to school on time everyday ready to learn! I review my note every night so I will make awesome grades! My school is big and busy!
INTERJECTIONS An interjection or exclamation is a word used to express a particular emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker. Common interjections: Ah, alas, eh, hey, hi, hmm, oh, ouch, well, etc.
LETS FIND THE INTERJECTIONS! 1. Jenna shrieked, “___________!” when she saw Nick’s spider collection. 2. __________! I hate when I mess up on a project when I am almost done. 3. __________, you really should sing this song for the whole class. 4. “__________, you make me so mad,” Kyle said. “Why won’t you help with the dishes?” 5. Isn’t this exciting? __________, I can’t wait to go on this trip!
ANSWERS: INTERJECTIONS 1. Jenna shrieked, “_____Yikes______!” when she saw Nick’s spider collection. 2. __Ugh_____! I hate when I mess up on a project when I am almost done. 3. ____Whoa_____, you really should sing this song for the whole class. 4. “____Dang_____, you make me so mad,” Kyle said. “Why won’t you help with the dishes?” 5. Isn’t this exciting? ___Whew_____, I can’t wait to go on this trip!