Ablative of Manner, Instrument (means), Separation, Place from Which.


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Presentation transcript:

Ablative of Manner, Instrument (means), Separation, Place from Which

Exercise 1 from Packet It is throught We are prepared Y’all are ordered To become accustomed You judge We teach They understand They are sought Y’all conquer To be regarded

Intellegō, intellegere, intellēxī, intellēctum Present Active InfinitivePresent Passive Infinitive IntellegereIntellegī ActiveSingularPlural First PersonIntellegōIntellegimus Second PersonIntellegisIntellegitis Third PersonIntellegitIntellegunt PassiveSingularPlural First PersonIntellegorIntellegimur Second PersonIntellegerisIntellegiminī Third PersonIntellegiturIntelleguntur

Ablative of Manner Shows the manner in which something was done. Everyone was cheering with enthusiasm when they found out they were taking Latin. Preposition: cum

Xeres prepared war with great care. Xerēs bellum māgnā industriā parat.

The girl walks with the solider. Puella cum milite ambulat.

The farmer gives with joy. Agricola gaudiō dat.

Ablative of Instrument The tool that was used Ms. Peacock was killed with the rope in the conservatory. Preposition: none

The Greeks (Graecī) conquer with wooden walls. Graecī mūrīs ligneīs vincunt.

Themistocles is saving the Greeks through his good plan. Themistoclēs Graecōs cōnsiliīs bonīs servat.

Ablative of Separation Used to show separation from the action of the verb- abl. noun is receiving the separation. The woman is separated from her child. The walls are free from defenses. Preposition- None

The Athenians (Athēniēnsēs) are freed from fear. Athēniēnsēs timōre līberantur.

Good plans are freeing the Greeks (Graecī). Graecī bonīs cōnsiliīs līberantur.

Ablative of Place from Which Coming from a place The man is coming from the store. The boy fell down the stairs. Preposition: ā, ē, dē

The mistress and the man sails from the fatherland. Domina et vir ā patriā navigant.

Ablative of Agent (Review) Used to show who is doing the action in a passive phrase The mouse is being eaten by the cake. Preposition: ā/ab

Great rewards are being sought by the general. Magna praemia āb duce petitur.

By the way (from the book) Because these closely related ablatives describe the circumstances attending/accompanying the action of the verb, they can be called “adverbial,” and are all examples of the ablative functioning as the “adverbial” case. The meaning implied in the ablative are more or less conveyed by the English prepositions “by,” “with,” and “from.”

Exercise 4 Examples: Graecī servantur. (dux) Graecī ā duce servantur. Ablative of agent. The Greeks are being saved by the general.

Praemium meum exspectō. (gaudium) Praemium meum cum gaudiō exspectō. Ablative of manner I await my reward with joy.

Multōs miserōs senēs vidēre possum. (oculī meī) Multōs miserōs senēs oculīs meīs vidēre possum. Ablative of means I can see many wretched old men with my eyes.

Nautae fābulam nārrant. (lacrimae multae) Nautae fābulam lacrimīs multīs nārrant. Ablative of manner The sailors tell the story with many tears.

Exercise 5 We seek the oracles with joy Ōrācula cum gaudiō petimus. You are not freed from war. Bellō nōn līberāminī/ liberāris.

Homework Exercise 4 and 5