Parts of Speech What is this word’s job?
Verbs Action Verbs (AV): this is a word that expresses a physical or mental activity. - swim - think - eat
Nouns Nouns (N): a noun names a person, place or thing. -
Adjectives Adjective (Adj): and adjective modifies (adds more information) to a noun or pronoun. - What kind? * gentle dog, scary movie, blue shirt - How many or how much? * two tickets, full glass - Which one? * these books, sixth grade
Article Adjectives Article Adjective (a/a): these words are used to show how many. - the most common are a, an, the
Prepositions Preposition (Prep): a preposition shows a relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. - above, across, before, behind, down, except, from, in, of, over, since, through, to, toward, under, until, with, without. Full list on page 63 in the Holt Handbook.