Aim: How have various belief systems impacted the world? DO – NOW: KEY WORDS: Religion, Monotheism, Polytheism, Reincarnation, Animism, Nirvana, Diaspora, Karma, Dharma, Golden Age
Vocabulary religion : A person's beliefs concerning the existence and worship of a god or gods, and divine involvement in the universe and human life monotheism : The belief in one god or goddess polytheism : The belief in many gods or goddesses. Animism: the practice nature worship. They believe that everything in the universe has a spirit. Nirvana : In Buddhism, spiritual enlightenment diaspora : The enforced spreading out of a group of people. In history, there has been both a Jewish Diaspora and an African Diaspora Karma: Actions in this life resulting from the consequences of a previous life’s actions. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism. Dharma: The act of fulfilling one's duty in life. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism Reincarnation: The rebirth of a soul into another body
Regents Review Packet Page 5: Belief Systems Misc. means miscellaneous – This is a place to put other important information about the religion
Animism Founder: None Sacred Text/Book: None Geographic location: Africa, N. and S. America Teaching and beliefs: 1.All things in nature have spirits 2.Worship your ancestors Animism is also practiced in Japan, but there it is called Shinto
Hinduism 1.Karma – the idea that each person is rewarded or punished by fate according to that person's actions. 2.Dharma – the moral balance of all things. 3.Reincarnation – being “born again” into a new life cycle 4.Caste System – consists of five separate classes (castes) of people in India 5.Polytheistic- The belief in more than 1 god Hinduism is based on the concept of reincarnation. The soul moves up or down in the caste system depending on their behavior in life. Founder: There is NO founder Sacred Text/Book: The Vedas Geographic Location: India Teachings & Beliefs: 1.Reincarnation 2.Karma 3.Dharma
Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Sacred Text/Book: There is NO book Geographic Location: India/Asia Teachings & Beliefs: 1.Four Noble Truths 2.Eightfold Path 3.Harmony with nature 1.Four Noble Truths – the main teachings of Buddha: (1) all life is suffering, (2) the cause of suffering is temptation, (3) this temptation can be destroyed, (4) the means to this is the Eightfold Path. 2.Eightfold Path – eight steps followed by Buddhists to eliminate suffering.
Confucianism Founder: Confucius Sacred Text/Book: The Analects Geographic Location: China/Asia Teachings & Beliefs: The 5 Key Relationships 1.father and son 2.elder brother and younger brother 3.husband and wife 4.older friend and younger friend 5.ruler and subject Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
Judaism Founder: No Founder/Abraham Sacred Text/Book: Torah and Old Testament Geographic Location: Middle East Teachings & Beliefs: 1.10 Commandments 2.Monotheism: Belief in 1 god 3.Still waiting for the Messiah (do not believe in Jesus)
Christianity Founder: Jesus and his followers Sacred Text/Book: Bible- Old and New Testament Geographic Location: Middle East Teachings & Beliefs: 1.10 Commandments 2.Jesus Christ is Messiah 3.Monotheism 4.Living an ethical life Messiah: the savior of humankind *Jews are still waiting *Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah
Islam Founder: The Prophet Muhammad Sacred Text/Book: Qur’an (Koran) Geographic Location: Middle East Teachings & Beliefs: 1.Allah 2.Monotheism 3.Prayer- 5 times per day 4.5 Pillars of Islam 1.Testimony (Declaration of Faith) 2.Prayer 3.Payment of Zakah (specific charity) for the poor 4.Fasting the month of Ramadan 5.Pilgrimage to Mecca Hijira – the journey of Muhammad & his followers to Medina, known as the turning point of Islam