Main Goal and Rules: You need to display understanding and creativity into your project. Grade 3 and 4: Your project will consist of having a mystery story with your chosen topic. You can make a poster with your story or PowerPoint. Grade 5 and 6: Your project will consist of a PowerPoint presentation which has 2 parts: 1st slide labeling terms you learned of your topic and 2 nd slide Giving a story problem solving question.
Topics: You can choose ONE topic for your project according to your grade: Grade 3: Place value (up to thousand), Adding, Subtracting or Comparing numbers. Grade 4: Place value (up to million), Adding, Subtracting or Multiplications. Grade 5: Place value (up to billion), Multiplying, Dividing or Comparing numbers Grade 6: Algebraic expressions/equation, PEDMUS, Fractions, Multiplying, Dividing or Estimation
Example: For Grade 3, 4, 5, 6: You have to create a mystery word problem and here is a example: Salma was 19 years old. She was the only girl in among her siblings and she had 8 brothers, each brother had a two year difference how old is Salma eldest brother? For Grade 5 and 6: You have MUST have 2 slides in your power point, the first slide must be introduction of your topic: If you are researching about Graphing you can write about words used in graphing such as y- intercept x-intercept origin point etc. Your 2 nd slide must have mystery story problem such as above example in the first bullet point.
Rubric: CriteriaPoorGoodExcellent Content Display Terminology Presentation The project will be out of /8 marks and each criteria will be given two marks (i.e. Content will be out /2 and comments will be written under poor, good, excellent)
Ask any Questions you have in Class!