Welcome to 1 st Grade Curriculum Night
Morning Schedule 8:50-9:25 Morning Routine- Borrow a Book, Check Home Links, Pledge, Morning Announcements, Calendar, Morning Meeting 9:25-10:25 Math 10:25-10:45 Snack/Recess 10:45-11:00 Wall Words/Mini Lesson 11:00-12:20 Reader’s Workshop
Afternoon Schedule 12:25-1:05 Lunch/Recess 1:10-1:30 Read Aloud/Relax & Read 1:30-2:15 Writer’s Workshop 2:15-2:55 Science/Social Studies 3:00-3:45 SPECIAL 3:50 Dismissal
SPECIALS 3:00-3:45 Daily A: Vocal Music ~ Mr. Smith (10:25-11:10) P.E. ~ Mrs. Woods B: Vocal Music~ Mr. Smith C: Media Center~ Mrs. Peterson Computer Lab 2:15-3:00 (Mrs. Bell) D: Art~ Mrs. Moyer
HOMEWORKHOMEWORK Reading Logs: 20 minutes every night-(BPS requirement) Math Home Links: Monday Through Thursday Return packet each day completed Please DO NOT go ahead Wall Words: Spelling Check on Friday
Everyday Math Content + Numeration & Counting (1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s) + Operations & Computation + Exploring Data & Chance (Charts/graphs) + Geometry & Spatial Sense + Measurement & Reference Frames (Tool: length, capacity, weight, clocks, calendars, etc.) + Patterns, Functions, & Sequences + Algebra & Uses of Variables
More on EveryDay Math… + Math Message + Math Boxes + Math Journals + Games + Explorations + Home Links
Math Home Links Sent home Monday through Thursday Brought back every day (completed) in their folders Fun, short activities that show parents what we are learning in math!
Reading and Language Arts Guided Reading Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Self-Selected Reading Shared Reading & Writing Reflective Writing~Journals Word Work Poetry (Fluency Binders) Learner Buddies Author Study
Reading & Writing Workshop…
Reading Workshop & Reading for Meaning Modeling + Engagement + Interest = Comprehension Book Selection~Theirs! Making Connections~ Text-Self, Text-Text, Text-World Making Predictions Mental Imagary during & after reading Asking Questions before, during & after reading Making Inferences & interpreting texts Synthesizing Information Fiction vs. Nonfiction
Lucy Calkin’s Writer’s Workshop Launching the Writing Workshop Small Moments: Personal Narratives Writing for Readers: Skills and The Craft of Revision Authors as Mentors Nonfiction Poetry
Social Studies Alive! Respect, Responsibility, Kindness: The Greenfield Way School, Families, & Communities~ How can we all get along? Why is it important to learn from each other? Why are rules important? What do good neighbors do? How are families special? Needs vs. Wants Maps & Globes Shelters Modern & Ancient Egypt
Science Order & Organization in Our World Science Kit Units: Pebbles, Sand, Silt Organisms Solids & Liquids Extension Units: Mammals Fish
Technology Basic Functions Keyboarding Microsoft Word Kid Pix Educational Games Various reading, writing, & word work activities using computers in our room & lab Promethean Board: Integrated Curriculum!
Wall Words Sent home Monday Spell check Friday Daily class activities Word Wall Pink Word Book Books! Please review words nightly
Handwriting Writing Without Tears Ball and stick *See Curriculum Folder for Capitals, Numbers, & Lowercase letters
Star of the Week Timeline ************************************** They are already Star Students! Each child will have their own week to shine in our class while creating a time line poster of their lives! A schedule is included in your Curriculum Folder **************************************
The Bell Bulletin Sent home periodically A newsletter to let you know what your 1 st grader is learning at school May contain reminders, school information, upcoming class or school wide events
Jane Bell’s Contact Information: Cell: (248)