Watch out for this… Math/Sci Teacher Conference success! NSTA-UW – Safe Treat info? Today you will need your IRIS module write-up Video reviews assigned to you from the last class Student (microteach) work samples Your Scientific Research Poster is due Thurs. Oct. 29 th The next big thing: Reading Check #2 on Nov. 10 th for Data Literacy
Class Oct. 29th Scientific Research Poster ready to go and show the class. Each person will display the poster at the front of the room Please bring the poster on a flash drive We will offer feedback (based on rubric and today’s criteria)
If grading was this easy…
The basics of feedback Positive first (“glows”) Areas for improvement (“grows”) Summary (Overall Charlie, this shows tremendous effort and …) A few glows and then the grows... Be specific (not just “good idea” but what was the good idea?) Use the student’s name (at least once near the beginning…) Example, “Charlie, you analyzed the flight patterns well and realized that the plane wasn’t going to be able to cross that vector. Pay attention to alternate routes and more efficient flying patterns.”
Student Work Samples Do students… 1. Construct evidence-based explanations? How? 2. Explain how evidence supports explanations/predictions? How? 3. Connect answers to real-world and personal learning? How? 4. Build ideas about science concepts, scientific practices, and phenomenon? How? 5. Collaborate about data collection, procedures, interpretations, and evidence-based explanations? How? 6. Present/record evidence in tables, maps, diagrams, etc…? How? 7. Conduct data analysis to find patterns or inconsistencies while considering limitations of the evidence, methods, analysis? How?
Reading Check – Science Instruction In groups of 2 (or 3) – discuss and then answer the questions below (50 pts) Submit your answers [they might be different than your partner(s)]to LiveText before Thursday, Oct. 22 nd at 1 pm (next class). Your answers should not be longer than a paper with 3 typed pages …1.5 line-spaced, 1 in margin, 12 pt font, Times New Roman …you can use visuals (charts, etc…) for a 4 th page (optional) I want to see your reflection on the material that you read, so please do not “copy/paste” the terminology from the book, however, reference where in the book you read what you are reflecting on and about as you write your answers. Question 1 = What do you need to know to get into science teaching? Question 2 = What are the foundations for teaching science? Question 3 = What are the strategies for teaching science? Question 4 = Why are knowing the answers to 1, 2, and 3 important? Question 5 = How will you use information from the book to inform your teaching?