Second language Teaching and Learning with Technology: Views of Emergents Researchers
Chapter 1 introduction of views of emergente researchers in L2 Teaching and Learning with technology This chapter is focused in variability language learning and technology students interaction communication and linguistics production in online enviroments. There are severals researches about CALL approach in technological learning and language processing and testing that show as the increasing of learning technology of a second language acquisition mainly english and french. We are glad for having reserchers who give us relevant comments that make our learning on the best way The field of CALL is spandind and it is focused in the technology by itself. The learners have access to technology in educational settings in two distincts ways : learning from and learning with technology. The eBook Project began focussing in the language learning throw computer application.
eBook present innovation aplication of technology in second language teaching and explores the transformation techniques Sice there are a lot of information on the internet. All the info in the eBook have been analized and accepted by a committee
Chapter 2 personal learning enviroments in higher education language courses and informal learner centred approach In this section we will discuse the information and comunication Technologies in education envolving in learning enviroments besides dipotencial of personal learning enviroment as a solution to meet challenges when designing learning and integrating technology for language courses in higher education. In order to propouse to equip students with skills that sould be learner. The PLE can be seen as one possible solution towards meeting the goals of education in the society because students need to have skills that enable them to participate in word.
PLE can be seen as a response to controled management sistems that dominated the educational the padagogycal part of PLE is based on ideas of contrustivism and sóciocultural theories of learning but is claimed that whole theory of learning envolved the conectivism that is demanded in the network In the simplest form is a collection form of tools from learners can choose in order to organize they learning and the learners construct their own learning process by themselves with tools available.
Chapter 3. ICALL Intelligent computer assisted language learning This Software is able to dear with more complex tasks, using natural language procesing, tools analysing short sentences for sintactinc and or semantic correctness as long as the domaind is restrictive or the range of possible errors can be anticipating. LEARNER INDEPENDENCE. Learner Independence, also referred to as learner autonomy. According withe, Independence have 3 diferentes levels. CONTEXT: Independence means the learning takes place without a human teacher, but can also mean that learners have the freedom to make choises, to select learning oportunities and to use resourses according to their needs. APPROACH: this level is about the roles of teachers and learners. The teachers role is to prepare learners to think about their needs and the learners have to develop the hability to look after the own needs.
LEARNER ATTRIIBUTES: learners have to develop atitudes, belives, knowledge and strategies to suport their learning process. The autonomy have 5 tasks: At this stage a dedicate e-learning system would ideally decide on the goals and provide tasks for the learner and would give and explanation for the choices it makes. The learner selected specifc tasks to their individual learning need and determin the order in which complete this tasks Learners adapt tasks provide by the system to their needs. Learners creates and invente tasks to reach the goals they have set. Finaly learners become teachers, undertake Independent research and help others to acquire a second language.
Chapter 4 Self-assessment and tutor assessment and online language learning material FCE online and test The self assessment is one of the key aspects in education and define it as one dynamica process wich develops and changes as the needs arice and as understanding of the process improvers. This chapter explores Keys issues and the assessment of skills tested by cambrindge First Certificated. The students their can valuated their efficience their skills and the material can be flexible to be adapter to difference degrees of learning autonomy monitorated by a teacher.
In case of FCE Reading assessment aplic to differentes levels of understanding in Reading called CALL Reading between the lines it means what the students understand. In case of writing there are to ways, the direct and the indirect. In the direct way the student must write one pice of contínuos text; and in the indirect way the test incude multiples tests of grammar in use. For listening it is compoused by two points: language competence and strategic competence. Finaly the test includes speaking skills that is the most controversial part because is the hardest to be tested by computers because is necessary the integration of assessment into the speaking test.