MAIN IDEA OBJECTIVE 1 The nation’s fascination with President Kennedy and his family stemmed from the youth, intelligence and charisma presented through the printed word and television. In the midst of the turbulent Cold War, the Kennedy’s mystique gripped the nation as the President and his wife became trendsetters and almost pop-culture stars.
MAIN IDEA OBJECTIVE 2 President Kennedy inherited a nation that despite the great economic gains of the 1950s was beset with many pressing issues such as poverty, urban decay, lack of medical care and a slowing economy. Due to limited support in Congress, Kennedy had to be more pragmatic with his New Frontier policies and focus on issues that had broad appeal. Therefore, most of the President’s domestic achievements were centered on improving the economic conditions and moving the nation forward in science and education. In1963, his more aggressive efforts to implement his policies were cut short by his assassination.
SUPPORT FOR OBJECTIVE 2 Sought to fulfill the progressive policies of F.D.R. and Truman Lack popular mandate Used deficit spending and lower taxes Increased minimum wage Addressed poverty globally: Peace Corps 1961 Military spending increases - usgs usgs302 Space Race: to the moon and N.A.S.A.
Econ. Stimulus Civil Rights Peace Corps Alliance for Progress Space Race Peace Corps Alliance for Progress Assist with development Most successful College Grads Aiid development of L.A.
ECONOMIC STIMULUS Conservatives prevented much of the program Deficit spending: set a pattern for the future Military budget greatly increased
Peace Corps and Alliance for Progress Aid the development of “third world nations” College graduates Most successful Help Latin America with economic growth
Space Race Competition with Soviets Increase emphasis on math and science Creation of NASA Goal: man on the moon
Poverty Related to fight for civil rights Nation became aware of issue: The Other America Conservatives prevented more money than proposed
Civil Rights Used executive power Limited by Congress Nation and personally Kennedy was limited
COMPARISON WITH POVERTY AND HUNGER TODAY Hunger and poverty has gone up in the last few years Wealth gap continue to increase in U.S. National and state governments have had a difficult time funding programs that fight hunger and poverty Problems associated with hunger and poverty: Poor education Increased health issues Crime