Performing ISO ILL borrowing and lending requests on the same server Yoel Kortick 2008
2 2 What do we need this for? Often support or library staff encounters the need to check specific functionality of either borrowing or lending requests. In order to check lending request functionality, we must “receive” the lending request from a library which “sent” us a borrowing request Similarly, in order to check borrowing request functionality we must “send” a request to a library which is a potential supplier for our unit. As support or library staff we may not have multiple servers always at our disposal to use as a “borrowing” library and “lending” library, thus we need to do both functions on the same server.
3 3 What do we need this for? Additionally, this exercise is useful because the support or library staff can see the full ISO ILL process from start to finish without needing to close and reopen separately configured GUIs and check processes on separate servers. If the units or partners were on different servers then we could only see what happens on one side.
4 4 What will we do here? Create two ILL Units Create two staff users, one for each ILL Unit Create a patron with ILL library as one of the units Create borrowing request Receive and ship lending request Receive and return borrowing request Check in (and close) lending request See borrowing request close We will make “borrowing” request from ILL Unit “A” to ILL Unit “B”, and receive the “lending” request as ILL Unit “B”. The interaction will go back and forth through the entire process.
5 5 Add new ILL Units Log in as user master-ill / master-ill This is a user which allows you to add new ILL units. Connect to USM40
6 6 Add new ILL Units Add two new internal ILL Units which use protocol type ISO TCP 1.Choose Administration tab in navigation pane 2.Choose Node Partners 3.Click button “New” on upper pane right side 4.Choose radio button “internal partner” These 4 steps will be illustrated in the next slides
7 7 Add new ILL Units 1.Administration tab in navigation pane 2.Partners node
8 8 Add new ILL Units 3.Click button “New” 4.Radio button “Internal Partner”
9 9 Add new ILL Units Fill in these tabs Partner Info Communication Borrowing ILL Unit (Only for the unit which will borrow) Lending ILL Unit (Only for the unit which will lend) Note: “General Contact” is Not relevant for Protocol Type ISO TCP
10 Add new ILL Units While a unit can be both a “borrowing” and “lending” unit, our first unit will be a borrowing unit and our second unit will be a lending unit. For the first unit we will fill in the “Borrowing ILL Unit” tab and not fill in the “Lending ILL Unit” tab For the second unit we will fill in the “Lending ILL Unit” tab and not fill in the “Borrowing ILL Unit” tab
11 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Partner Info Fill in these values for “Partner Info” tab Partner code = whatever you want (no spaces) Partner name = whatever you want Average Supply Days = the average number of days it takes for the supplier to deliver material to your library Return Delay = the number of days it takes for you to return requested items to the partner Currency = USD Status = Active Language = ENG
12 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Partner Info Partner code = CMULS Partner name = Central Montana University Library Science Average Supply Days = 2 Return Delay = 3
13 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Communication Fill in these values for “Communication” tab Protocol Type = ISO TCP Server address = do the following command on the server: echo $WWW_HOST{:}$ILL_SERVER_PORT Institution symbol = whatever you want (format xxx:yyy) Locate type = Unit (In pull down box “Unit Internal Partner”) Catalog Type = ALEPH Single Bib Records Locate server = do the following command on the server: echo $WWW_HOST{:}$HTTPD_PORT Locate base = the base containing the bibliographic records of the unit Locate Library = The ADM Library for this partner Send method = Not relevant for Protocol Type ISO TCP Mail Attach = Not relevant for Protocol Type ISO TCP Letter Format = Not relevant for Protocol Type ISO TCP
14 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Communication il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>echo $WWW_HOST{:}$ILL_SERVER_PORT il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>echo $WWW_HOST{:}$HTTPD_PORT
15 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Borrowing ILL Unit Fill in these values for “Borrowing ILL Unit” tab Allowed Borrowing = check Borrowing unmediated locate = check This means that util E 19 will automatically “pick it up” and see if the first potential supplier can fulfill the request Check local own procedure = no check Pickup sub libraries = whatever you want
16 The Borrowing ILL Unit – Borrowing ILL Unit
17 Brief recap Until now we have made our Borrowing ILL Unit – CMULS – Central Montana University Library Science Now we will create the Lending ILL Unit. We will follow the same general procedure as we did for the Borrowing ILL Unit, however: We will fill in tab “Lending ILL Unit” instead of “Borrowing ILL Unit”
18 The Lending ILL Unit – Partner Info Partner code = CMUIS Partner name = Central Montana University Information Science Average Supply Days = 3 Return Delay = 4
19 The Lending ILL Unit – Communication
20 The Lending ILL Unit – Lending ILL Unit Fill in these values for “Lending ILL Unit” tab Allowed Lending = check Lending unmediated locate = check This means that util E 19 will automatically “pick it up” and see if it can supply the item Returnable request: Item BIB Locate failed = Answer-Unfilled (or can be Mediated) Item Availability failed = Answer-Unfilled Non Returnable Request Status Item BIB Locate failed = Answer-Unfilled Item Availability failed = Answer-Unfilled
21 The Lending ILL Unit – Lending ILL Unit Circ Sub Libraries = Whatever you want but at least one. This field defines the sublibraries to which an item loaned by this ILL Unit must belong. An item can not be loaned by this ILL Unit if it does not belong to one of these sublibraries.
22 The Lending ILL Unit – Lending ILL Unit
23 Brief recap At this point we have an ILL Unit which can borrow (send borrowing requests): CMULS An ILL Unit which can lend (receive and process lending requests): CMUIS Now we need: A staff user with ILL unit CMULS who can make the ILL borrowing request A staff user with ILL unit CMUIS who can receive and process the lending request A patron with ILL library CMULS for whom the ILL borrowing request can be made A patron with ID CMULS, to whom the loan will automatically be made when the borrowing request arrives to library
24 Brief recap CMULS (borrowing library) CMUIS (lending library) Borrowing request lend
25 Staff user with ILL unit CMULS User LARRY/LARRY has ILL Unit CMULS
26 Staff user with ILL unit CMUIS User ISAAC/ISAAC has ILL Unit CMUIS
27 Patron with ILL library CMULS Patron Benetar, Pat has ILL Library CMULS It is important that the ILL Total Limit and ILL Active Limit is also filled in
28 Patron with ILL library CMULS The patron should also have circulation permissions in the “circulation sub libraries” of the “ILL Lending Unit” tab of the ILL Unit from which the item will be loaned. ILL Unit CMULS Local Privileges for patron Benetar, Pat
29 Patron with ID which is ILL Unit Here is patron record for ILL unit CMULS with loan privileges for sub library in which the item is located. The standard patron status for ILL Units in demo setup is 63.
30 Making the borrowing request We will make a borrowing request from ILL UNIT CMULS to ILL UNIT CMUIS Before making the borrowing request we should decide on an item which is in the “Locate Base” of ILL Unit CMUIS. We want an item which is in the “Locate Base” of the unit and available, so that our ILL borrowing request will be found and we can see how the process works. If necessary we can intentionally request an item not in the “Locate Base” of ILL Unit CMUIS to also check how the system works in such a case.
31 Making the borrowing request The “Locate Base” of ILL Unit CMUIS is CMUIS Central Montana University Information Science We want an item which is in the unit and available, so that our ILL borrowing request will be found and we can see how the process works.
32 Making the borrowing request The base definitions of the “Locate Base” of ILL Unit CMUIS are: ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!> CMUIS CMU Information Scie USM01 USM01 Y wrd=information science Here it is in tab_base.eng
33 Making the borrowing request The base of the potential supplier must be defined in $data_tab/tab_locate of the “40” library. Here is an example for CMUIS: ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CMUIS 100## a wau= locate_str_0 CMUIS 245## a wti= locate_str_1
34 Making the borrowing request Here is bibliographic record with an available item. This record is in base CMUIS and has an available item in one of the Circulation Sublibraries (PERL) of CMUIS If we make a borrowing request for this then it should be located
35 Making the borrowing request First we must log in as a user who has ILL Unit CMULS. CMUIS should be added as a potential supplier for ILL Unit CMULS
36 Adding potential supplier for ILL Unit When logged in as user with ILL Unit CMULS choose administration tab and “Potential Supplier” node
37 Adding potential supplier for ILL Unit In the upper pane click “ add ” In the lower pane click three dots next to “ Supplier name ” Choose desired supplier CMUIS Enter the desired requested media for this supplier
38 Adding potential supplier for ILL Unit Now CMUIS appears as a potential supplier for ILL Unit CMULS.
39 Before the borrowing request is made Make sure util E 19 is running in “40” library Make sure util E 17 is running in illsv library Make sure ill server is running (UTIL W / 1 / 7 / 7)
40 Making the borrowing request First we must log in as a user who has ILL Unit CMULS. The borrowing request will be made for patron Benetar, Pat, who has ILL library CMULS
41 Making the borrowing request Request is made for patron with ILL Library CMULS Requested media is the same as the requested media of the potential supplier
42 Making the borrowing request New Borrowing Request, number 1720, appears in the list of requests as New
43 Making the borrowing request Util E 19 is running in the “40” library
44 Making the borrowing request Util E 19 processes the borrowing request
45 Checking the borrowing request After Util E 19 has processed the request it has changed automatically to “Sent to Supplier”
46 Checking the borrowing request Util E 17 has sent the APDU messages (Application Protocol Data Unit ) il-aleph02-18(1) ILLSV-YOELK>>tail -26 run_e_ Transaction ID Initial requester ID : CMULS Group Qualifier : Qualifier : Requester ID : CMULS Responder ID : CMUIS Sender ID : CMUIS Unit code : CMUIS Receiver ID : CMULS Unit code : CMULS ILL Library : USM :24:32 [log] Message type STATUSREP expand_docx: INDEX DOCX-LIBRARY = ILLSV DOCX-DOC-NUMBER = DOCX-NO-LINES = DOCX-STATUS = expand_docx: CREATE-Z13 DOCX-LIBRARY = ILLSV DOCX-DOC-NUMBER = DOCX-NO-LINES = DOCX-STATUS =
47 Checking the borrowing request All ISO ILL messages may be viewed in the log via the GUI Borrowing requests tab Request log Node Functional mode
48 Receiving the lending request Now if we log in as ISAAC/ISAAC, who has ILL Unit CMUIS, we will see the “lending” request The borrowing request made for CMULS is a lending request for CMUIS.
49 Receiving the lending request The lending request in CMUIS is number It has been located: It is visible in the util E 19 log file: il-aleph02-18(1) USM40-YOELK>>grep 1721 run_e_ :22:58 HANDLING LENDING REQUEST FROM USM
50 The lending request log All ISO ILL messages may be viewed in the log via the GUI Lending requests tab Request log Node Functional mode
51 The lending request The fields and messages of the lending request may be viewed in the cataloging module or via UTIL F 4 DOC The lending request number is the “ document number ” in the “ 40 ” library
52 The lending request In the lending library we will print the lending slip (so someone can take the slip, go to shelf and get the item)
53 Printing the lending request The information for the request is printed
54 The lending request The status of the lending request changes to “Located and Printed” Note: It is also possible to run service ill-65 to print slips and make a report
55 Shipping the lending request Now we are ready to ship the lending request to the library which requested it. We click the “Ship” button.
56 Shipping the lending request Fill in the “Returnable Shipment” form The lending library fills in the actual barcode
57 Shipping the lending request Print the “Lending Supply Slip”
58 Shipping the lending request The status of the Lending Request changed to “sent on Loan”
59 Shipping the lending request The Loan is automatically made to ILL Unit CMULS
60 Receiving the Borrowing Request Now we will log back in as LARRY/LARRY to have ILL UNIT CMULS and see what happens when the Borrowing request we made arrives.
61 Receiving the Borrowing Request Borrowing request 1720 is now status shipped, and the library will “receive” it by clicking the “receive” button.
62 Receiving the Borrowing Request The “Receive Returnable Material” form must be filled in The borrowing library should not put the same barcode which appears in the book (it may be a duplicate because the borrowing library may have a barcode like it). If left blank a default “ temporary ” barcode will be created
63 Receiving the Borrowing Request The “ILL Arrival letter” is printed to the patron
64 Receiving the Borrowing Request The “ILL slip” is printed to place inside the book until loaned (depending on library workflow)
65 Receiving the Borrowing Request The status of the borrowing request changes to “Loaned to Library” Patron sees in web that his request has arrived to the library
66 The Borrowing Request - temporary item The patron will come to the circulation desk and loan the item. It is a “temporary” item which was created when we did “receive”
67 The Borrowing Request - temporary item The barcode is ill-1720
68 The Borrowing Request temporary item Item process status IL Item collection ILL Item call number = borrowing request number
69 The Borrowing Request temporary item Internal note is the name of the ILL Unit which made the request
70 Loaning the request In the GUI circulation module we have set up the loan options and return options to show us the following
71 Loaning the request Now the patron for whom the request was made comes to loan the item Circulation librarian receives this message (because of loan options setup)
72 Loaning the request The loan is made
73 Returning the item from patron The patron returns the item to the borrowing library The borrowing library returns the item to the lending library Borrowing Request status becomes “Returned to Library” The lending library does “check-in” on the item Lending Request status changes to closed Borrowing Request status changes to closed
74 Returning the item from patron The patron returns the item to the borrowing library Librarian received these messages (from return options)
75 Returning the item to lending library From the list of requests library will click “Return”
76 Returning the item to lending library Borrowing request status will change to “Returned by library”
77 Check In of the item by lending library If we log in as ISAAC/ISAAC to be the lending library then we see that the lending request status has changed to “Return”. We will click “Check-In”
78 Check In of the item by lending library After doing “Check-In” the lending request is closed
79 Check In of the item by lending library If we log in as LARRY/LARRY we can see that after lending library did “Check-In” the borrowing request in the borrowing library is also “closed’
80 Thank You!