Success through Technology and Assessment August 1 st -3 rd Attended workshops and training to prepare for the grant o Achievement Series o eMetric o Obtaining baseline data o Action Research o Assessment
Assessment 7 Strategies of Assessment for Learning Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target Use examples and models of strong and weak work Offer frequent descriptive feedback Teach students to self- assess and set goals Design lessons that focus on one aspect of quality at a time Teach students to use focused revision Engage students in self reflection and let them keep track of and share their learning
Action Research eMetric Achievement Series
Emetric and Achievement Series How does this affect me? Review of Data-emetric Measurement Identification of Standard Unpacking the Standard Achievement Series Design pre and post assessment tests See handout
Administering the Pre-Test Available online or printable format Number of features online Time Number of Students completed with the test Opening and closing time and date of the test Create multiple tests for multiple class sections and view other created tests View reports in graph format
From Beginning to End… Created an action research planning document See handout Designed and administered pre-test to determine prior knowledge of the students Collaborated/reflected with cognitive coaches throughout the year in order to design and implement technology infused lessons Attended technology infused sessions through the ESA2 Included a plethora of session, which gave variety to those attending, making the grant applicable to any educational level or area of expertise Examples include web design, excel, imovie, blogs/wikis, Incorporated the technology infused lesson plans Administered post test
Action Research Planning DocumentDana Dierks Phase 1-Problem Identification: Why are students across multiple grade levels showing low achievement scores on the Dakota Step tests in the area of measurement? Phase 2-Plan of Action: Over the course of a school year, the classroom teacher will develop a pre and post test using achievement series to assess the needs of students. From there, the professional will implement an integrated unit of study that will take place throughout the year. In order to implement the units of study, the teacher will need to collect the data from the pretest results to determine prior knowledge. From there, the educator will design 21 st Century lessons that connect with real world experiences and background knowledge that the students bring forth. The teacher will also tap into the resources that are provided from the ESA, such as lending library materials and coaching. Phase 3-Data Collection: In order to collect the data, the students will answer pretest questions in a small group setting that will determine prior knowledge belonging to the students. The students will work in cooperative differentiated groups to develop their knowledge. The teacher will take observation notes during this time. The students will also create a measurement data page for their portfolios that will include information collected from their pumpkin measurement. After the unit is completed, the post test will be completed by each of the students. Including this variety of assessments will allow for multiple perspectives to be included when assessing student progress. Phase 4-Analysis of Data: After collecting each of the pieces of data, this will provide the teacher insight as to growth patterns, learning styles, comprehension of subject matter and personal, individualized student achievement. By analyzing the data, this will determine which instructional strategies were found to be most effective, and it will also help determine which students have a basic knowledge of the information, proficient knowledge of the information, or an advanced knowledge of the information. It will also help determine what went well, what went not so well, and what will have to be developed further next time around. Phase 5-Plan for future Action: As a result of this study, I have clearly been able to identify the needs of each individual student in the area of measurement. I have also come to find that, for me, instructionally, I find it beneficial to implement technology in a small group setting when integrating it into lessons and units at this grade level. I have become familiar and comfortable with achievement series, and have also learned how to use the Dakota step results to guide my instruction base. In the past, I have felt that since I was not teaching a grade level that had to take this assessment, it did not apply to me. Now I realize the importance of being proactive and setting up the students for success in these areas from the start.
Yearly Class Progress Goal of 2% Increase
Individual Progress