Issue Food and Hunger
What Where Why How So what
What Famine When hunger persists for a longer period, covering a large no. of population and resulting in mass malnutrition and starvation, it then becomes famine.
Where Map of World Hunger Proportion of undernourished people
Why Physical factors Human factors
Why Physical factors 1. rugged relief 2. infertile soil 3. extreme climate4. natural hazards
Why Human factors 1. Poverty 2. Poor governance 3. Wars 4. Diseases
Why 1. Poverty
Why Source: FAO Poor governance and wars
Why 4. Diseases In 2002, around 5 million more people were infected with HIV/AIDS, most of them living in low-income, food-deficit countries.
How International aids 1. short-term 2. long-term
How 1. Short-term Emergency food aids Temperary medicial support E.g. Medecins Sans Frontieres Temporary military support E.g. UN Peacekeepers
How 2. Long-term Grant & loans Research and development
So what Partially effective Famine is still prevailing 2015 : 580 million would suffer from undernourishment
Value Global citizens Justice Peace