First Aid
Bell Ringer (Day 2) Pick either 1 or 2 to write 2-3 paragraphs about. 1.How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. 2.If you could change one important thing about HHS, what would you change? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. Include the first sentence in the beginning of essay. Save these to be turned in with your test!
Checking Any Victim Checking a conscious victim: First, check the scene Next, check the victim for life-threatening conditions. Tell the victim not to move and get consent to help. If there are no life-threatening conditions ask the victim what happened. Do they feel pain anywhere? If there are life-threatening conditions, call 911. Play First Aid Video after writing this slide (stop after conscious child)
Checking Any Victim Check the victim head to toe looking for cuts, bleeding, bruises, or fluids. Provide care for shock.
What is Shock? When the flow of blood throughout the body is reduced, limiting the amount of oxygen the blood carries to the cells.
Shock Signals for shock are: –Nausea and vomiting –Pale, cool, moist skin –Restlessness and irritability –Rapid breathing and rapid pulse
Minimize Effects of Shock Make sure 911 has been called Continue to monitor the victim’s airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC’s) Control any external bleeding. Raise the victim’s legs 12 inches Keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated Do Not give food or drink to the victim
Checking Any Victim Checking an unconscious victim: 1.Check the scene 2.Tap the victim’s shoulder and shout “Are you OK?” to see if the victim responds.
Checking Any Victim Checking an unconscious victim: 3.Call 911 or have someone else call Move the victim on their back: 5.Open airway: Tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway. 6.and Look, Listen and Feel for breathing for no more then 10 seconds. Watch video on checking an unconscious adult/child
Checking Any Victim 7.If the victim is unconscious, but is breathing and has signs of circulation, place him or her in the recovery position. –Turn the victim to the opposite side after 30 minutes or if there are signs of loss of circulation to the lower arm.
Checking Any Victim 7.If the victim is not breathing …give 2 rescue breaths. –Keep the head tilted back, pinch the nose, and breathe slowly into the victim. Watch video on how to give 2 breaths
Checking Any Victim (Adult Only) 8.If the breaths go in, don’t check for signs of circulation. 9. Go straight to CPR….
8.If the breaths go in, check for signs of circulation. Check pulse at the side of neck for no more than 10 seconds. Never check pulse with your thumb Checking Any Victim (Child Only)
Rescue Breathing After “Checking the Victim” (steps 1-9)….. A child who is not breathing, but has a pulse needs rescue breathing.
Rescue Breathing Rescue breathing is a way of breathing air into an unconscious victim who is not breathing, but has a pulse.
Rescue Breathing Give one slow breath about every 3 seconds. Remove your mouth after each breath so the victim can exhale.
Rescue Breathing Recheck pulse and breathing every 2 minutes (40 breaths). Continue rescue breathing as long as the victim is not breathing, but has a pulse.
How Much Air Do We Need? About 21% of the air we breathe in is oxygen. We use about ¼ of that, therefore about 15% is breathed out for rescue breathing which is plenty of oxygen for the victim. Watch video on rescue breathing an child/infant
The End!!