First Aid Day 2
Objectives: I can define CPR. I can identify how to respond in the event of an emergency. I can identify which method of potentially life-saving techniques should be administered to a victim. I am able to perform these potentially life- saving techniques.
Let’s review what we learned last class… What are the six steps for checking an unconscious victim? What are the ABC’s ? Tell me the steps for Conscious Choking Tell me what to do for Unconscious Choking- sing it to me!
RESCUE BREATHING You go through the first four steps to checking the unconscious victim… Administer 2 Breaths (Step 5) If breath goes in, we know to check the pulse and for bleeding (Step 6) VICTIM HAS A PULSE- this is the indicator (and is not bleeding) RESCUE BREATHING Administer 1 Breath every 5 seconds for 2 minutes. After two minutes, LLF and recheck pulse. If nothing changes, keep going!
Remember… Tilt the head back Pinch the nose Completely cover the mouth (seal the airway) Breaths should be about 1 second long and have some strength to them!
Rescue Breathing Video The following video is showing a sample of what rescue breathing looks like. Please note that he says to continue the cycle for one minute; WE CONTINUE for 2 MINUTES. 5Mup29JQ&feature=player_detailpage 5Mup29JQ&feature=player_detailpage
CPR- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation You go through the first four steps for checking an unconscious victim… You administer 2 breaths (step 5) and the air goes in. We check for a pulse and for bleeding (step 6) VICTIM DOES NOT HAVE A PULSE- this is the indicator (and is not bleeding) CPR 30 Compressions, 2 breaths repeated for 2 minutes (approx. 4 cycles in 2 minutes) After two minutes, LLF and recheck the pulse; nothing changes- KEEP GOING!
CPR Video Please note that emergency personnel have masks; obviously we do not and have to fully cover our victim’s mouth. kCrdhQ&feature=player_detailpage kCrdhQ&feature=player_detailpage
A little bit more about CPR Cardio= Heart Pulmonary= Lungs Resuscitation= Revive Given properly and immediately to sudden cardiac arrest victims, CPR can save lives. Effective bystander CPR, provided immediately after cardiac arrest, can double a victim’s chance of survival.
Four reasons to stop performing these techniques… You are too tired to continue. Scene becomes unsafe. Trained rescuer arrives and takes over. Condition of the victim improves.
Now tell me, what’s worse than one victim?
Time to practice… I will give you and your partner various scenarios to practice on your mannequin. Think about the details of the scenario and remember to go through the steps.
Review Sheet Your review sheet will be started now in class. Try to answer as many questions as possible without using your notes. Review sheet MUST be completed for homework. We will go over the answers at the beginning of next block.
First Aid- Day 3 Objectives: Review all the information for the core assessment and quiz. Demonstrate knowledge of first aid through a variety of activities. Apply knowledge of first aid during assessments.
Discuss Review Sheet Answers Check for accuracy. Which questions did you struggle with? Do you have additional questions?
Teacher and Student Using the script provided, you are going to take turns administering the scenarios, as well as the first aid. Do not go in order. Correct your partner if they make a mistake.
Creating a First Aid Brochure You will each make a brochure that could be used as a quick reference guide for others who may need to administer first aid. You must include the following in your brochure: All four Core Assessment Scenarios (Conscious Choking, Unconscious Choking, Rescue Breathing, and CPR). Since you will be folding the paper into thirds, you will end up with six sections. You need a cover, an informational page, and then the four core assessment scenarios. You are going to be manually making the brochures, so it is expected that you construct this neatly. Images are helpful, but I understand if you struggle with art.
Jeopardy Review Conscious Choking Unconscious Choking Rescue Breathing CPRGeneral Knowledge Misc
Next class: Core Assessment Be prepared to perform in front of the class. You may get one of four possible scenarios, so please be prepared for all of them. Don’t forget to complete the review sheet and practice on a pillow!
After we finish Core Assessments… There will be a written quiz on first aid. Study review sheet and notes and you will do just fine!