Georgia Mavrodi James Madison University & RSCAS, EUI Greeks are Coming to Town: The new Greek migration to Turkey Migration Working Group RSCAS, European University Institute 12 January 2011
Outline Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration Mapping out the phenomenon: some preliminary data Contemporary migration developments in a wider historical context Concluding remarks
Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration Emigration from the EU in the 2000s High-skilled European emigration: theoretical frameworks High-skilled Greek emigration (Lambrianidis et al 2010)
Greece, Turkey, and the study of contemporary European migration Turkey as a country of emigration, transit, and immigration Migratory systems and motives for migration Migration, international relations, European integration and identity
Mapping out the phenomenon What do we know? Greek new migrant presence in Istanbul Profile Categories of occupation Migration tendencies & factors Latest coverage
Some preliminary data CARIM TURKSTAT Central Bank of Turkey
Table I: Greek citizens arriving in & departing from Turkey, Source: CARIM, (Data on this table compiled by the author) Year Entries Departur es Net Total
Table II: Residence permits issued to Greek citizens in Turkey (2005) Source: CARIM 2005/ Central Bank of Turkey Permits for workin g purpos es Tourism Private schools - Langua ge instruct ors Private sector Public sector Academ ics Journali sm OtherTotal Permits for studyin g purpos es Primary, Junior & Highsch ool Undergr aduate Graduat e (MA, PhD) Langua ge classes Other courses Other categor ies of residen ce permits Marriag e to Turkish citizen Relative s with residen ce permits Relative s of Turkish nationali ty TouristClergyOther All categor ies 6524
Historical legacies of Greek migrations in the eastern Mediterranean: a framework Late 18 th to early 20 th Centuries: goods, communications, people The network of Greek diaspora communities in eastern Mediterranean: mobility, economic activity, social characteristics Changing economic, political and social dynamics
Historical legacies of Greek migrations in the eastern Mediterranean: a framework The 20 th Century: shrinking of the Greek diaspora in eastern Mediterranean & new worldwide geographical expansion Refugee movements, memory and identity Is there a link between historical legacies and new (e)migrations?
Concluding remarks Contemporary (e)migration movements in context Alternative frameworks of understanding and analysing the new Greek migration to Turkey The need for accessible, reliable & comparable data History, migration, identity