Spring 2016 Dr. Senanu Spring-Pearson Health Science 1 Spring 2016 Dr. Senanu Spring-Pearson Reading before next class: Chapter 1
Dr. Senanu Spring-Pearson Email: senanu.spring-pearson@rccd.edu Website: websites.rcc.edu/spring-pearson/ Class: T & Th 9:35-11:00am MTSC401 Office Hours: Immediately after classes. If nobody stays to talk, then I’ll leave, so please don’t plan on leaving and coming back. These are notes
Texts Required texts: Presentation about textbooks. Your Health Today (Special 5th Edition for RCC) by Teague, MacKenzie, & Rosenthal Your Health Today Supplements Presentation about textbooks.
Attendance You must sign in daily – It is your responsibility to be here for the entire class period. Students that don’t attend during the first week will be dropped from the course Wait-list Usually, about 5 students will be admitted from the wait list.
Wait-listed students 1 Zavala, Joe L. 2 Lopez, Melissa 3 Sanchez, Alejandro 4 Salazar, Julissa 5 Cervantes, Angelina 6 Vargas, Sueheidi 7 McFarland, Victoria M. 8 Westlake, Mariah E. 9 Gomez, Jaime O. 10 Munoz, Amanda Y. 11 Beltran, Karina M. 12 Straughter, Veronica A. 13 Habte, Rebecca G. 14 Ramirez, Roger R. 15 Ortiz, Crystal L. 16 Brown, Brenden J. 17 Salas, Evangelina K. 18 Kappouta, Mark D. 19 Escamilla, Daisy J.
Schedule Exams: 3/10, 4/7, 5/12, Final Exam: 6/7 9:35am – 11:00am Syllabus notes Exams: 3/10, 4/7, 5/12, Final Exam: 6/7 9:35am – 11:00am
Grading You must bring a GREEN scantron for exams You must be on time. 3 Exams @ 100 points each = 300 points In-Class & Homework Assignments = 50 - 100 points (approx. – subject to change) 1 Comprehensive final exam = 200 points Total = 550 - 600 points (approx. – subject to change) You must bring a GREEN scantron for exams You must be on time. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS!!! But…
What you can expect from me… I will help you succeed in the class I will have high but fair expectations of you I will try to make class interesting and relevant I will start and end class on time I will be available by email daily during the week (but I won’t re-hash my lectures by email!)
What I expect from you… Try your hardest to succeed in the class Attend class and be on time Participate in class activities and ask questions during class Read the material before class and come prepared to learn Access your RCC e-mail account regularly.
How to succeed in HES1 Read the relevant materials before class and again after. Take notes and review them after class Study in groups and ask each other questions Use ALL available resources. Don’t get behind