Ashley Jenkins November 30, 2014 Final Project, Part I Christianity Associated with Televangelist
Christianity & Televangelist in the News When the media reports on controversial stories regarding televangelist they provide such brief to no background about the religion they are affiliated with and instead list the Televangelist as Christian. This lack of factual evidence and description of religion has lead non- Christians to think of Christianity as some type of cult ran by the televangelists making headlines.
Televangelist Ernest Angley Recently, Televangelist Ernest Angley made headlines for his controversial techniques and teachings. It was reported that Angley was forcing women to have abortions and men to have vasectomies. Additionally, members of the congregation have said that they were sexually molested and that Angley was aware of it. Lastly, Angley is also being accused of illegally using members of his congregation to work at his for profit company for no wages. us/2014/10/21/televangelist -reportedly-urged- vasectomies-abortion/
Fox 2 News Reporting
Fox News Reporting In the article written by Fox news: There’s never a clarification of the religion Angley is associated with but rather just a note that he’s a Christian. The tone of the writing seemed negative towards Christians not just Angley because it was generalizing Christianity. There’s no involvement from another Christian of the same religion as Angley in the story to offer more than one perspective from another Christian.
Televangelist Benny Hinn Televangelist Benny Hinn is a known throughout the world in approximately 200 nations. In 1983, he began his religious teachings and claims to heal people through the power of God. Since his teachings began, the media has questioned his authenticity. He’s been proven to be a liar more than few times. As of recently, he is in the news again because of his high annually earnings. He’s been staying in hotels and spending thousands of dollars a night. Which lead to Senator Chuck Grassley announcing that the United States Senate Committee on Finance would be investigating Hinn’s ministry. teachers-benny-hinn
Blogger Reporting In the blog written by Tim Challies: The blog clarifies what religion Benny Hinn practices/teaches but it does not give other religious practitioners the opportunity to comment on Hinn’s behavior or the allegations made about him. The tone of the writing seemed negative towards Benny Hinn and potentially painted a bad image of Christianity because there was nothing provided to support Christians that do not share the same beliefs as Hinn.
History of televangelist in the media Controversial stories on televangelist have been appearing since the 1970’s. The first controversial story being reported on Ernest Angley. In 1988, Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart made headlines for having on-going sex with a prostitute. Swaggart was also married at the time. Which then lead, to Benny Hinn praying for Swaggart and befriending him in the media:
History of televangelist in the media Over 1,000 stories have been in the media about televangelist in the past 20 years. This video link below provided the above historical facts I found. It also gave me an insightful perspective of the false tactics performed by televangelist and how the media plays into their teachings:
The controversial stories that have been published in the media has given Christians a bad reputation and has impacted how viewers see other televangelist who do not claim to heal people. As of lately, the media is trying to create a controversial story on Joel Osteen based on an interview he did with Larry King: Televangelist in the Media
Christianity Associated with Televangelist How has the media impacted the association of Christianity with controversial televangelist: It’s hardly ever revealed what religion the televangelist is associated with. A perspective from another Christian pastor is never given. Controversial stories of televangelist faith healers have made head lines as opposed to televangelist doing good for the religious community – which has created a negative reputation for televangelist.