9 areas of evaluation Area 1: Vision, Mission, Educational Goals And Learning Outcomes Area 2: Curriculum Design And Delivery Area 3: Assessment Of Students Area 4: Student Selection And Support Services Area 5: Academic Staff Area 6: Educational Resources Area 7: Programme Monitoring And Review Area 8: Leadership, Governance And Administration Area 9: Continual Quality Improvement (MQA,2008)
3 MAIN FEATURES IN MQF (1) Academic Levels (3) Credit System MQF (2) Learning Outcomes (3) Credit System
OBE PROCESS Planning (1) Evaluating (4) Developing (2) Academic Level Curriculum PEO Program Outcomes (PO) Program Standards Area 1 MQF 1 Area 8 Planning (1) Evaluate / analyse Closing the Loop (CDL) CQI Report Curriculum REVIEW Area 7 Area 9 Course Outcomes (CO) SLT Curriculum Assessments TL Activities Credit Hour Bloom’s Taxonomy Area 2 Area 3 MQF 2 MQF 3 Evaluating (4) Developing (2) Summative Assessment Curriculum Documenting Evidences Lesson Plan Test Blueprint Marking Scheme Student Portfolio Formative Assessment Entrance/Exit Surveys Rubrics Bloom’s Taxonomy Implementing (3) Area 4 Area 5 Area 6
The Main Thrusts of QA After MQF Toward a system based on learning outcomes not inputs From Quality Control to Quality Assurance leading to Quality Enhancement Away from arbitrary ratios toward judgment based on evidence Greater responsibility for HEPs Roz. From MQF 2 PS
Quality Control to Quality Assurance Quality Enhancement Quality Assurance Quality Control The mechanisms, processes, techniques and activities necessary to ascertain whether a specified standard or requirement is being achieved. Checking performance indicators, including examination results, number of publications, staff appraisal data. Review procedures designed to safeguard academic standards and promote learning opportunities for students of acceptable quality. Taking deliberate steps to bring about continual improvement in the effectiveness of the learning experience of students.
Comparison of Quality Control and Quality Enhancement Instrumental Transformative (Driven by all staff & student) Intent Accountability Improvement Philosophy Transformative(Driven by enhanced student learning experiences) Locus of Control External Management/Government Driven Internal driven By Employees Motive Government Directives/Policies Desire for Organization’s improvement Social Relations Competitive, directive Collegial, negotiated (Collegial and managerial) Process Top down / bureaucratic Bottom up/ facilitative (Multi directional) Management Style Authoritarian Consensual (Focused) Administrative Structures Centralised Devolved Outcomes Evidence of past practice Pathways for improvement Time Short -Term Longer –Term Audience External Stakeholder Internal Stakeholders (All Stakeholders) Orientation Past practice Future possibility Indicators of Success Quantitative Qualitative (Quantitative & Qualitative) Source: Sachs, J., Dempster, N. & Gapp, R, A case of Competing Interests: Quality in Higher Education, Griffith University, Queensland, Accessed 17th October 2007. Note: Statements indicated in brackets in the Quality Enhancement Column is reflective of practice adopted by MQA MQF.Roz.Roadshow
Impact of MQF on QA Documents The Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) sets out guidelines to HEP and Assessors in relation to programme accreditation The Code of Practice for Institutional Audit (COPIA) sets out guidelines to HEP and Assessors in relation to institutional audit Guidelines to Good Practices (GGPs) sets out guidelines pertaining to non-curriculum matters, e.g. student intake, library and education resources Programme Standards sets out guidelines pertaining to curriculum and programme design MQF.Roz.Roadshow
MQF and other QA Documents Level of Adherence MQF Generic statements on Generic issues CoP Specific statements on Generic issues GGP Generic statements on Specific areas PSs Specific statements on Specific areas MQF = Malaysian Qualifications Framework CoP = Codes of Practice GGP = Guidelines on Good Practices PSs = Programme Standards Level of Prescriptiveness MQF.Roz.Roadshow
Item No.9 - Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Identify Bloom’s Domains and Levels Identify PLO to address Map CLO to PLO (No.16), then to PEO (No.15) From mapping, rationalise inclusion of course (No.4) From mapping, identify Transferable skills (KI) (No.10) From CLO and transferable skills, strategise teaching methods and assessment methods (No.11) From strategy, identify delivery mode (No.13) and Assessment Types (No.14) From TLA and assessment methods, identify and calculate SLT for content topics and outline (No.17) From SLT for content topics and outline, calculate Total SLT (No.6) From Total SLT, calculate credit for course (No.7)
PLO Teaching and learning Strategy Assessment Strategy PLO1- Knowledge Lecture Test, Quizes PLO2 – Technical Skills Practical, Demonstrations, Simulations Practical Test, OSPE PLO3 – Critical Thinking Problem Solving Discussions, Tutorials Assignments, Case Study PLO7 – Lifelong Learning Discussions Assignment, Case Study
TOPICS Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment + Student Preparation Time for Assessment Total SLT Guided Learning (F2F) Student Preparation Time (NF2F) for Continuous Assessment Summative Assessment L T P O 1. 2. 3. L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P= Practical, O= Others, F2F=Face to Face, NF2F=No Face to Face
DEVELOPED DURING CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Items Where to find/kept? Responsibility Course Syllabus Curricullum/ QA Unit Resource Person/SME Table of Test Specification Attached with Course Syllabus Detailed SLT
BEFORE THE START OF SEMESTER Items Where to find/kept? Responsibility Course Syllabus Curricullum/ QA Unit Resource Person/SME Table of Test Specification Attached with Course Syllabus Detailed SLT Entrance/Exit Survey Developed from Course Syllabus by Lecturer Lecturer Lesson Plan Lecture Notes/Slides Developed by Lecturer Continuous Assessments (with Marking scheme and Rubrics) Developed by Lecturer based on SLT and Course Syllabus Summative Assessment(with Marking scheme and Rubrics) Developed by Lecturer based on SLT and Course Syllabus, and Table of Test Specification
AT THE BEGINNING OF SEMESTER Items Responsibility Usage Entrance/Exit Survey Developed from Course Syllabus by Lecturer Lecturer, Student Detailed SLT Resource Person/SME Table of Test Specification (A) Lecture Notes/Slides Developed by Lecturer Continuous Assessments (with Marking scheme and Rubrics) Developed by Lecturer based on SLT and Course Syllabus Lecturer Summative Assessment(with Marking scheme and Rubrics) Developed by Lecturer based on SLT and Course Syllabus, and Table of Test Specification Table of Test Specification (B) Developed by Lecturer who develops Final Exam Sets based on TTS (A) Lecturer, Exam/Vetting Committee
COMPILED DURING SEMESTER DEVELOPED AFTER SEMESTER AND EXAM Items Responsibility Usage Entrance Survey Course Lecturer/ Student CDL Continuous Assessment Course Lecturer Grading Exit Survey Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Student’s progress Student Portfolio Department/ Faculty/ Student/ Lecturer Student’s Assessments DEVELOPED AFTER SEMESTER AND EXAM Items Responsibility Usage CDL Course Lecturer For CQI Report CQI Report Course Coordinator/Programme Coordinator Curriculum Review
One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.