Blaise Pascal ( ) was a French mathematician.
This pattern is named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal who brought the triangle to the attention of Western mathematicians (it was known as early as 1300 in China, where it was known as the "ChineseTriangle”) Each number in the triangle is the sum of the pair of numbers directly above it (to the above left and above right).
row 0 row 1 row 2 Example: 1+1=2 In this way, the rows of the triangle go on infinity.
The sum of the elements of a single row is twice the sum of the row preceding it.
The sum of the elements of row n is equal to 2 n.
Each line is also the powers of 11.
References: triangle.html angle.html al/generate/pascal.html eTwinning project „TRIANGLES ARE EVERYWHERE” PRIMARY SCHOOL no 26 in WROCŁAW AUTHORS: MARTYNA B, PAULINA S.