Part III Project/Program Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Implementation and Management GAD Concerns Support of project leadership Commitment and technical competence of the project management staff to address gender issues in the project Willingness to tap external GAD expertise to develop internal capacity Enforcement of procedures and processes that promote women’s participation in project activities and benefits
Project Implementation and Management Issues of Agency Participation Involvement of regular agency personnel in implementation of GAD activities Capacity development of agency officials and personnel in undertaking GAD Institutionalizing project GAD strategies through their incorporation in the agency’s GAD action plans SHOW BOX 16 (Project Implementation and Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation Checklist pullout)
Project Monitoring and Evaluation Key elements: Includes indicators that measure gender differences in outputs, results, and outcomes Has database with sex-disaggregated and gender-related information Uses the sex-disaggregated and gender data GAD targets being met Addressing gender issues arising from its implementation Employing participatory M&E processes that involve both women and men SHOW BOX 17 (Project Implementation and Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation Checklists pullout)
Rating project implementation, monitoring and evaluation Add the score for project management (Box 16) to that for M&E (Box 17) Add the score for project management (Box 16) to that for M&E (Box 17) Maximum score: Project management: 8; monitoring and evaluation: 12 Maximum score: Project management: 8; monitoring and evaluation: 12
Rating project implementation, monitoring and evaluation Rating Rating 0-3.9: GAD is invisible in project implementation (Projects needs GAD technical assistance or advice in all areas) ? : Project implementation has promising GAD prospects (Project needs technical assistance on GAD in some areas) : Project implementation is gender-sensitive (Project needs GAD technical advice in a few areas) 15-20: Project implementation is gender-responsive (Projects to be commended)