Supported Experiments: How to make them successful February 22nd 2013 with Joanne Miles (J Miles Consulting)
The Big Picture Define project stages in experiment cycles Highlight benefits Share ideas for experiments in your college Identify key roles and responsibilities Outline ways to monitor progress and capture outcomes Define common pitfalls and ways round them
3 Explore the pedagogy Explore the context Explore present practice Plan experimentation & implementation Share and celebrate success Embed practice Start here Improve and ‘coach-in’ strategies & monitor project The Supported Experiments cycle by Geoff Petty
4 An experiment with self and peer assessment 1.Students assess a written answer using a checklist of relevant criteria 1.Students assess a peer’s work using the checklist 2.Students use the checklist to assess their own work then hand it to the teacher, who adds their own comments 3.Teachers keep samples of work to track progress, noting reflections in a log/grid, collect student feedback and discuss findings with colleagues during the year
5 Training on evidence based methods Individuals plan an experiment using a new method Events for dissemination Resources for teaching & learning Start here Peer coaching to discuss progress + Monitoring of attendance and evaluations Current issues identified Summaries of issues & methods in use Project cycle by Joanne Miles
Take a partner for a walk around the room. Comment on whatever strikes you as the benefit of experiments, from the quotes on display The benefits: Gallery Walk
Quick updates on the focus for experiments in Welsh colleges: What are teachers working on? What has been working well so far? Experiments in Wales
Review the roles in the pack and discuss: 1.Which roles would you like to adapt/merge? 2.How can you communicate, to engage them with experiments? Key roles in experiments
Have a look at the materials pack and discuss: What do you want to capture in terms of reflections and resources from experiments? Which elements would be best stored centrally for Wales? And which locally in colleges? Monitoring progress and capturing outcomes
Have a look at the materials on each table: What strengths and weaknesses do you see in the format and content of each one? What are the learning points for the Welsh colleges? The Carousel: Case Studies and Tracking Forms
Have a look at the envelope on each table: Can you match up the pitfall with the suggested solution? Which pitfalls do you need to avoid in your college? Project Pitfalls and Suggested Solutions
Speed dating evaluation: What has been useful about this session? What is your first step for taking the experiments forward after today? Stop and Review
Further support Joanne Miles Project planning, coaching and training Phone: Blog: