English Theatre History The 16th and 17th Centuries
Lecture 3 Sex and Gender in Early Modern English Theatre
Sex/Gender Is there a difference between « sex » and « gender »?
Androgynous: Greek « andros » + « gyne »/man + woman
Androgyny in Fashion
Hermaphrodite or « True Intersex » « True intersex » is the medical term for a condition in which an individual is born with ovarian and testicular tissue: in other words, female and male reproductive organs.
Hermaphroditus: Child of Hermes and Aphrodite
Hermaphroditus : At the Louvre
One Sex on the Early Modern English Stage for Male and Female Characters Men and Boys played all the roles
Boys, Ages 13-20, or so Boy players played: 1.Female roles and male children for the mainstream companies. 2. They played all the roles in the « children’s » companies.
Edward Kynaston
The Children of Paul’s
Philip Stubbes, 1583 The Anatomie of Abuses « Of stage-plays, interludes and their wickedness »
Moll Firth, or Moll « Cutpurse »
The Roaring Girl
Hic Mulier, or The Man-Woman A Pamphlet
Haec-Vir, or The Womanish-Man a Response to Hic Mulier
Macbeth and the « Wyrd » Sisters
The Witches « You should be women And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so » Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 3
Perseus and Medusa, Bellini
The Head of Medusa, Bellini
Medusa, Caravaggio Self-Portrait?
Medusa, Paris 47, rue Vieille du Temple
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare The Plot for Cesario’s Soliloquy Viola, is shipwrecked in Illyria. She dresses as a boy, Cesario, and plays servant-boy to Duke Orsino. She thus becomes the ‘monster’, Viola/Cesario. Orsino is in love with the Countess Olivia. Orsino asks Cesario to help him woo Olivia for him. Olivia, however, falls in love with Viola, dressed as Cesario, instead of Orsino. Viola realizes she’s in a very tricky, « muddled » situation.
Judi Dench: M in Skyfall
What is a Soliloquy? « To Be or Not To Be » Hamlet
Twelfth Night, Viola’s Ring Soliloquy
Imogen Stubbs
Imogen Stubbs as Cesario
Twelfth Night, Olivia’s Passion
Mary, Queen of Scots and Her Son, James VI
King James VI of Scotland and James I of Britain
James I
Anne of Denmark, Queen of England (Wife of James I)
Inigo Jones, Court Architect
The Court Masque
Penthesilea, played by a woman
The Masque of Blackness
River Nymph