50 P1 pushes off the mark guarded by P2 and kicks to the best option provided by P3 and P4. As an extension add in a leading forward with or without a defender or even 2 forwards and 2 defenders so they can practice blocking. Held Up P1 P2 P3 O P4
50 P1 kicks to any of the P’s in the middle. They then must work the ball by short passing to kick it to P2. Same process back the other way but this time the O’s are in possession. Short Possession P2 O P O P1 O
50 Either P’s or O’s start with the ball and pass it around inside the 50. Turnovers occur when you go outside the area designated or the ball hits the ground. You could after every 30 secs blow the whistle to allow the team in possession a shot on goal. Marks apply and you can also vary your numbers inside the 50. Also you Could have another team on the side ready to substitute. Inside 50 Short Possession P O
50 P1 pushes back off the mark and kicks to stationary player P2 who plays on and kicks to P3 who is leading at him. He then pushes back off the mark and kicks to stationary P4. Process repeats.Can stay in the same position or if you have lots of players run to the group you give it to.For variety when P3 marks he can handball back to the player on the cone gets it back and then screws it to P4 Square Kicking P1 P4 P3 P2
50 P1 kicks to P2 who plays on and kicks to P3. P3 pushes back off the mark and kicks to P4 and P5 who then run and draw the defender O and once the free player has been released then he has a shot on goal. Same drill down the other side. Ypu could add another defender so P2 can draw and release back to P1. Full Ground Skill Drill With Decision Making P1 P2 P4 P5 P3 O
50 Coach kicks the ball to contested pair P1O and then the P’s crumb or receive the handball to kick it to leading forwards to have a shot on goal.Can add more forwards or a switch player in the corridor. Also adding defenders as either crumbers will add to the decision making component. Crumbing To Forwards P P P P P1 O CoachP O
50 P1 pushes back off the mark and kicks to P2 who plays on and kicks to P3 who handballs to P4 who kicks to leading P5. He then pushes back off the mark and kicks to P6 who plays on and kicks to P7 who handballs to P8 who shoots on goal. Half Ground Skill Drill P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
50 P1 kicks out from goal to leading P2. He pushes back off the mark and switch kicks to P3 who handballs to P1 running on. P1 then kicks to leading P4 who marks and pushes back or plays on and kicks to leading P5 who turns in board to kick to the fat side to the leading P6. He plays on and kicks to space for P7 to run onto and mark and he then bounces the ball to have a shot on goal. Full Ground Fat Side P1 P2 P3 P7 P4 P5 P6
50 P1 kicks the ball out to P2 who pushes back off the mark and kicks to P3 who plays on and kicks to best option P4 or P5. The ball is then delivered to leading P6 who has a shot on goal. P7 kicks long to P8 who pushes back off the mark and kicks to P9 who plays on and kicks to contested marking pair P11P12. P10 crumbs and shoots on goal Full Ground Ball Movement P1 P2 P3 P4 O P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12
50 P1 pushes back off the mark and switches to P2 who plays on and kicks to leading P5 who arcs and kicks to P6. Repeat the other side. P6 and P1 can either be stationary or leading or you could elect to have amarking pair to enable to practice a contested marking situation. SWITCH SKILL DRILL P1 P2 P4P5 P6P7
50 P1 pushes back and switches to P2. He plays on and kicks to leading P3. He pushes Back and at the same time P4 takes off to run into space to receive the switch kick. He plays on and kicks to leading or stationary P5.This then repeats on the other side. 2 or more balls depending on numbers. As a variation at one end you could have a run and bounce and than a shot on goal with the ball being brought back in with a kick in from goal. Switch to Space P1P2 P3 P4 P5P6 P7 P8
50 Ball gets kicked to P2 who handballs behind to P1 handballs to P3 handballs back to P2 who kicks to leading P5 who handballs to P4 who kicks to P7 who handballs to P6 who handballs to P8 who kicks to leading P9 who handballs to P10 who kicks to P2. For variety put in a marking contested pair to start the drill. 10 Point Full Ground P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P10 P9
50 P1 pushes back and switches to P2 who plays on and kicks up the line to leading P3 who marks and pushes back to then switch into the corridor to P4 who plays on and kicks to leading or stationary P5. Repeat on the other side. CORRIDOR SWITCH P2 P1 P7 P5 P6P5 P4 P3