Background by The 3am Teacher Created by Teaching 4 Real Teaching 4 Real
This lesson is designed to meet the ELA Common Core standards for opinion writing. I did not try to make it fit a specific grade level so that it would appeal to a variety of grades. For 4 th and 5 th it can be more of an introduction and guided lesson to lay the ground work for their standards. For 2 nd and 3 rd it can be the foundation and practice for their actual standards. This is an interactive Power Point that definitely meets speaking and listen skills for the Common Core. How To Use This Lesson: Begin right away with the first slide without telling students you are going to work on opinion writing. The first 2 slides are the HOOK to opinion/persuasive writing. Each slide steps the students through the process of forming an opinion, giving reasons, and supporting their reasons with facts. As each part of the process is discussed, your students will learn how to take their ideas and put them on an organizer. It’s step by step. The lesson ends with 3 resources you can copy for your students.
Additional Resources: Opinion/Persuasive Word List Bookmark Opinion/Persuasive Differentiated Organizers Opinion/Persuasive Worksheet Thank you so much for purchasing this product. Please leave a rating or comment to let me know what you think. **As a reminder….this product is either meant to be an introduction or guided lesson. I did not create it to meet specific standards for EACH grade level alone. However, all of the elements meet Common Core for multiple grade levels. Please use the differentiated organizers to meet the needs of your class. Teaching 4 Real ©Teaching 4 Real 2012
I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Eating candy should be against the law. Kids should only be allowed to watch T.V. on the weekends. Homework should be given to the parents to do and not the kids. Bad language should be banned from television and movies. Students should be able to decide when they are ready for a test and not the teacher. Students should have to sit in assigned seats at lunch. Recess should be earned by the minute and not just given as a reward. Going to school on Saturday would make students smarter.
I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Eating candy should be against the law. Kids should only be allowed to watch T.V. on the weekends. Homework should be given to the parents to do and not the kids. Bad language should be banned from television and movies. Students should be able to decide when they are ready for a test and not the teacher. Students should have to sit in assigned seats at lunch. Recess should be earned by the minute and not just given as a reward. Going to school on Saturday would make students smarter.
I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Why do I think that? I can’t just say that without a REASON! My Reason “Because I said so.” Is that really a reason? Not really. I need to convince someone why.
I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Hmmm…I think kids should go to bed at 7:00 because not getting enough sleep will affect them at school. Let’s get our thoughts down on an organizer.
State Your Opinion Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Restate Your Opinion I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Lack of sleep can affect them at school. Web MD says that elementary children should get hours of sleep. #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support It can cause lack of attention, poor memory, and lack of performance. Don’t all kids want better grades in school? Going to bed at 7:00 might just the trick! Hmm….I need a real fact to support HOW lack of sleep affects kids at school. Let’s read and find something to support our reason on Kids Health.Kids Health
Kids Health says that elementary children should get hours of sleep.
State Your Opinion Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Restate Your Opinion I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Lack of sleep can affect them at school. Kids Health says that elementary children should get hours of sleep. #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support It can cause lack of attention, poor memory, and lack of performance. Don’t all kids want better grades in school? Going to bed at 7:00 might just the trick!
It can cause lack of attention, poor memory, and lack of performance. The result is bad grades and more stress!
State Your Opinion Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Restate Your Opinion I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Lack of sleep can affect them at school. Kids Health says that elementary children should get hours of sleep. #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support It can cause lack of attention, poor memory, and lack of performance. The result is bad grades and more stress. Don’t all kids want better grades in school? Going to bed at 7:00 might just the trick!
I think kids should go to bed at 7:00.
State Your Opinion Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Restate Your Opinion I think kids should go to bed at 7:00. Lack of sleep can affect them at school. Kids Health says that elementary children should get hours of sleep. #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support It can cause lack of attention, poor memory, and lack of performance. The result is bad grades and more stress. Don’t all kids want better grades in school? Going to bed at 7:00 might just the trick!
State Your Opinion #1 Reason #2 Reason Illustration
State Your Opinion #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Supply Evidence With a Quote or Phrase From The Text Restate Your Opinion
State Your Opinion #1 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support #2 Supply a Reason or Fact To Support Supply Evidence With a Quote or Phrase From The Text Restate Your Opinion Supply Evidence With a Quote or Phrase From The Text