Drosophila melanogaster
8 Chromosomes Life Cycle Temp-dependent Stages Egg+larva--8 days Pupa--8 days Adult--up to 8 weeks
Overview of Lab Set up vials 10 mL medium + 10 mL water 5-8 grains yeast Netting Label: initials, date, cross. #1,2,3
Form Hypothesis Obtain parent phenotype. Predict: Parents are true-breeding. Predict: Genotype and phenotype of F1 Genotype and phenotype of F2
Set up Culture Vials Anesthetize F1 vial Sort males and females separately; 1/3 into each vial Record # of flies put into each vial (male and female), as well as phenotypes of flies
Remove F1 Anesthetize and remove F1 flies once F2 pupae have darkened About a week after pupae first appeared
Counting Flies Anesthetize and count F2 flies for 2 weeks after they first appear Record sex and genotype of each fly Release/dispose of flies after counting
Statistically Analyze Data Perform Chi-Squared test on F2 data Accept or reject hypothesis