Overview Training for Nottingham’s Commissioning Framework Liz Jones Head of Partnership Policy, NCC Nick Weatherall, Commissioning Officer, NCVS
What is commissioning? Audit Commission defines commissioning as: Commissioning is defined as the entire cycle of assessing the needs of people in a local area, designing services and then securing / monitoring them.(It applies to all services, irrespective of provider). Department of Communities and Local Government describes the local authority’s role in commissioning as; ‘one in which the (local) authority seeks to secure the best outcomes for their local communities by making use of all available resources without regard for whether the services are provided in-house, externally or through various forms of partnership’.
Why commissioning is central to our ambitions for Nottingham Excellent commissioning will: Enable us to deliver the outcomes of The Nottingham Plan to 2020 Help us to achieve better value for money Enable us to commission more jointly with partners
Commissioning in the new world Coalition Government messages: Budget cuts – more for less Outcomes focus Less public sector ‘doing’ – more commissioning Community led commissioning and personalisation Supply markets essential Non silo’d, less risk averse, more joined up Measuring productivity – more than costs Place based budgets (new Total Place)
Why we need a commissioning framework for Nottingham To deliver the outcomes of The Nottingham Plan to 2020 Consistent and transparent approach to commissioning across City Council and One Nottingham Better value for money Clarity of definitions – Commissioning is shopping, procurement is buying!
Strengthening our capacity to commission Restructured to enable us to deliver The Nottingham Plan to 2020 Single integrated commissioning function for people: Commissioning for people, children & families Expertise, experience and flexibility More joint commissioning with partners
Background to development of the Framework With commissioners and partners Mapped existing good practice Identified gaps/ areas to improve Developed and tested framework With Councillors Tested with Executive and Scrutiny Councillors Introduction of Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles that underpin the Framework Local Jobs for Local People Supporting a thriving Third sector Sustainable neighbourhoods Environmental Sustainability Involving local people, partners, employers, suppliers Wider benefits to our communities
Third sector and local providers Maximise value organisations bring by productive relationship throughout cycle Clear, practical, sensible process –Publish Commissioning Plan –Transparent options appraisal –Contract size and length –Timely information and communication –PQQ criteria and guidance Specify and Buy the whole value that you want –Service level outcomes –Added value outcomes
Analyse ‘Hard’ needs data eg JSNA ‘Softer’ more qualitative data/ intelligence Equalities info/ intelligence Analysis of existing provision/ supply Understanding of the existing market Clear picture of resources available for this commissioning activity Relevant legislation/ guidance & procurement support Remember Guiding Principles!
Plan Realistic gap analysis Agree priorities and outcomes sought Options Appraisal – to help determine best approach and best use of resources Equlity Impact assessment Clear commissioning plan Develop the specification/s Management/ development of market and relationships with providers Remember Guiding Principles!
Do Procure/ purchase to secure the outcomes Remember Guiding Principles! Remember equalities Manage the contract Manage the market Manage relationships
Procurement Part of the commissioning cycle Get advice early Guiding Principles! –Social clauses –Social return on investment –Wider community benefit
Review Outcomes achieved? Remember the customer/ citizen view, including equalities Guiding Principles achieved? Performance of contract? Implications/ learnings to feed back into the commissioning cycle
Different roles within the Framework Commissioners Service users, citizens and communities Councillors Other stakeholders
Tools to help Commissioning Framework-online How to Guide – online Simple Guide for providers The place to look is: ning
Embedding the Commissioning Framework Training during summer and autumn – City Council colleagues and partners Built into City Council’s standard training programme going forward City Council commissioners working with partners on developing the ‘how’
Work with the voluntary sector NCC commissioners developing a commissioning pathway with the voluntary sector Collaborative approach to ensure voluntary sector involvement at key points in cycle Clear and transparent processes Market development
Questions? Liz Jones, Head of Partnership Policy Nick Weatherall, NCVS