In the US, 15-20% will fall prey to severe depression ~50% will experience mild form at some point The average age for depression in America is….. 15 years old… compared to 30 years old in 1960
Positive Psychology seeks to refocus towards the two remaining goals of pre-WWII science Definition: The study of optimal human functioning that allows individuals and communities to thrive. Goal: To consider several levels of optimal human functioning, including biological, personal, relational, cultural, and global.
Martin Seligman, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Professor of Princeton University, Author of 7 Psychology books on Positive Psychology The DSM is focused on what can go wrong… but what about all the people that aren’t messed up?
One of the main pillars of Positive Psychology is PSE, or how good our mood is based on whether we are achieving things that we want out of life. Maintaining PSEs can lead to happier moods, emotions, and faster thinking. (hint: don’t take timed tests when sad.)
PSE indicate the degree to which people are achieving a goal based on what they believe to be important Example: if people value straight A’s, then achieving them will result in positive feelings about themselves. Not doing so will result in negative feelings. Happiness is then based on how well you are achieving anything that you value
Every situation can have positive or negative influence on our PSE, and this is related to 5 specific factors
1. Temperament Inborn qualities that determine how well people interact with their environment 2. Learned Positive Outlook People can learn optimism and hope through experience; also people get greater life satisfaction when they work for something they value rather than immediate reward (remember the marshmallow study?)
3. Strongly held values and goals People with clear goals and making progress towards them are happier 4. Cultural differences Strong cultural affiliation reports higher PSE (i.e. “I’m a proud Latino!”) 5. Age With age comes wealth of perspective and experience that colors how they view life situations Older people are more suited to deal with life’s problems; hence why teenagers may think everything is a “life or death” situation
Understanding the sources of PSE leads to better individuals and societies People who have positive experiences often: Contribute more to communities Have better relationships with others Are more creative Excel in sports and academics Provide leadership and model behavior Propose new ideas Are less of a drain on psychological and physical health systems