After WWII Influential Group After WWII, the Soviet sent German & Japanese soldiers and officers to labor camps in Siberia. The camps didn’t work them to death, but during the winter there was a slim chance of survival. The nomadic civilization of the Scythians was a major influence on Siberia’s land & culture.
Their government was known as the Provisional Government of Autonomous Siberia, which was created by the White Movement.
Siberia is 77% of Russia. Taiga (boreal forest) is the type of climate. High:78 degrees Low: 10 degrees Tundra belt to the North & a temperate frost belt to the South.
Orthodox Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism Protestant Russian Orthodoxy Roman Catholic
Produce Reserves Gold Diamonds Mica Aluminum Coal Iron Ore Gas
Ranked 7 th in NBI (national brands index) Different Cultures: Pagan Beliefs, Slavic & Byzantine cultures. Cultural People are the Nomads & Vikings
Literature Arts Their Literature consists of many of the famous literary works by Alexander Pushkin & Fyodor Dostoyevsky. They have many Russian Cultures such as Folk music, opera, ballet, dance & many more
This has to do with their freedoms such as Victory Day, which is the day the won over Nazi-Germany in WWII. The Russian Santa is known as Ded Moroz. They also celebrate the end of a school year by swimming in the cities fountains.
The main languages are Russian, Tartar Ukrainian. There were also many other languages such as Eurasia, Belarusian & Rusyn.