What are rocks? Rock is the hard, solid material that makes the Earth. It is everywhere. Mountains are great masses of rock. Stones and pebbles are small pieces of it. In fact, Earth itself is a great ball of rock weighing about 6.6 sextillion tons.
A igneous rock is formed by cooling magma below earths surface. It is a volcanic rock. They are formed by lava flows, ash, and blocks blown from volcanoes.
What is an extrusive igneous rock? Extrusive igneous rocks are rocks that form when melted rock material cools and hardens above the ground.some examples are Rhyolite, Obsidian, and Basalt.
I’m going to be recognizing two different sedimentary rocks. The first is shale. Shale is a fine grained stone made from compacted mud. Shale is used to make pottery, china, tile and bricks. The second is sandstone. Sandstone is made from quarts that are held together by cement, and often used to make buildings..
What is obsidian and how is it formed? Obsidian is a rock formed by volcanic ash.
What is basalt and how is it? Basalt is dark, dense, and hard, and has a unusually texture so fine-grained that indivual crystals cab be only seen under microscopes.
What are intrusive rocks Granite and Gambro are examples of intrusive rocks. Intrusive rocks are cooled below the ground.
What is limestone and how is it formed? Limestone is a sedimentary rock mostly made of mineral calcite Limestone is formed by shells and bones. that comes from tiny sea animals.
What are sedimentary rocks? Sedimentary rocks are formed by eroison.
Name and describe sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks, rocks formed by the consolidation of ancient sediments derived from the fragment
Where does soil come from? Soil comes from a mixture of solid particles,air, and water. Some particles are made of bits of broken down rocks.
What is metamorphic rock? Rock that is changed by heat or pressure is called metamorphic. Both igneous rock and sedimentary rock can be changed to metamorphic rock. In fact metamorphic rock itself can be changed to other types of metamorphic rocks.
How can we protect our soil? We need to protect our soil because we grow our food and our animals live under or in the soil. We can protect our soil by not spilling dangerous chemicals on the ground. We can also stop digging up the ground. We need to stop doing dangerous things to the ground.
What is limestone and how is it formed? Limestone is a sedimentary rock mostly made of mineral calcite Limestone is formed by shells and bones. that comes from tiny sea animals.
How does coal from Coal comes from ancient bogs deep out of the ground. Coal can be used for roads and to kill bugs.
Metamorphic Rocks They produced by the alteration of igneous or sedimentary rocks through changes in temperature and pressure
Granite is a light colored plutonic rock found through out the continental crust, most commonly Mountains areas What is granite?
What are Soil Horizons? The chunks weather into smaller pieces. Living things die and decay and form humus. Gradually layers of soil, or soil horizons, develop.
What is slate? Slate was once the sedimentary rock shale. It is formed with heat and pressure.
what is the rock cycle?
Rhyolite is a white fine grain volcanic rock.feldspar glassy matrix iron. Rhyolite tens to be very viscous because of it high silica. Gas rich erupts violently to form welled tuffs, or ignimbrites and may speared out great distance. What is rhyolite