1 Timothy 1: And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, 13 although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
The Extent of Misguided Zeal Saul’s zeal in Judaism was radical! He “made havoc of the church” – Acts 8:1-3 As a young man, he stood by as Christians were stoned to death – Acts 7:57-58 He persecuted the church of God – 1 Cor. 15:9-10 He tried to destroy the church in his zeal – Gal. 1:13-14 His zeal manifested itself into every aspect of his beliefs – Phil. 3:3-6 He thought he must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus – Acts 26:9-11
The Extent of Misguided Zeal Such radically misguided zeal is manifest in many ways today… Ardent defense of false ideas of “the church of your choice” and denominationalism – cf. Eph. 4:1-6; 1 Cor. 1:10 Charismatic zeal of miraculous practices given for the infancy of the church – cf. 1 Cor. 13:8 Fervent advocacy of sin in the name of happiness, convenience and pleasure – cf. 1 Cor. 6:9-11 Tenacious, passionate and foolish denials of God – cf. Psa. 53:1; Isa. 5:20 Ignorant and vehement adherence to “faiths” that are not of “the faith once for all delivered” – cf. Jude 3 (Eph. 4:5)
Facing truth and Redirecting Zeal Have you faced your “I was blind, but now I see” moment? – Acts 9:1-9 We must cultivate a spirit that can redirect in the face of truth! Accepting and confessing our own “knowledgeable ignorance” is an earmark of genuine discipleship Recognizing and embracing our own zealous fallibility demonstrates humility in the face of error Facing undeniable truth, an honest heart will change course, whereas a dishonest heart presses on Acts 9:20-21; Gal. 1:23 - What a testimony to the transforming power of the grace and truth of God!
1 Timothy 1:16 16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.