Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 180 Васильева Елена Васильевна 2012 год Санкт - Петербург
Arts brighten people’s lives. They teach us to understand life and people better and to admire beauty.
The early primitive art began in prehistoric times
The greatest works of art appeared in the ancient times.
The greatest works of architecture appeared in the Middle Ages.
The greatest works of literature, theatre and painting appeared during the Renaissance period.
The greatest works of music and literature appeared in the 18 th -19 th centuries
All modern arts appeared in the 20 th century.
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Francisco Goya Painting
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Elvis Presley Cinema and music
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Maya Plisetskaya Ballet
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Frederich Schiller Literature
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Sergei Rakhmaninov Music
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Pablo Picasso Painting
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Luciano Pavarotti Theatre
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Michelangelo Sculpture
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Vasily Bazhenov Architecture
Match the names of these people with the fields in which they worked. Rembrandt Painting
Используемая литература : 1.УМК (VII) авторов О. В. Афанасьевой и И. В. Михеевой 2.Поурочные разработки для УМК (VII) авторов Е. Г. Белоножкиной, Е. В. Кононовой и И. Г. Инструниной
Интернет ресурсы : /2006/02/26/ html C396.html Drevnjaja-Gretsija/029-Slovar-40-ballov.html karfagen.ru/index.php?/info/stili/04/i /3/ 8
Интернет ресурсы : / aca20b64dd6bdb2228b3aa0761a&action=profile;u=76 5;sa=showPosts;start= allart.doam/pnbl/interesnoe/istoria_kartin/mikela ndzhelo_strashnyi_sud/ sistine-chapel&page=2 exile.com/forums/photopost/showphoto.php?phot o=17256&size=bighttp:// exile.com/forums/photopost/showphoto.php?phot o=17256&size=big.
Интернет ресурсы : Царицыно _( дворц ово - парковый _ ансамбль ) / i_Bazhenov tour.org/Excursions/palaces_SPb.html B.html khudozhniki/Rembrandt-2.files/012-vybor- dolzhnostnykh-lits.html
Интернет ресурсы : Lusentes&picture= Гойя / post_9973.html /plisezkaya_ _tonnel.shtml
Интернет ресурсы : SA=SA